Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Morrissey and Me

If you read my first blog post back in July you'll know that Morrissey’s illness was the focus of my analysis of his astrological chart and the possible basis for his illnesses and some of the difficulties that he had been having.  It would seem that he has provided another segue into a topic that is very close to my heart again, namely natural healing.  

I have been reading the press releases regarding Morrissey having been treated for cancer, and while I admire his attitude of If I die, then I die. And if I don’t, then I don’t." It is something that I have seen time and again with people who find themselves faced with a devastating diagnosis like this.  I do not know the type of cancer that he is suffering from and what other kinds of illnesses he may be facing along with that problem but I do know that many times the prospect of the medical procedures involved in a cure are as bad or worse than the illness itself. Most of the time, the illness is actually secondary to what is going on with someone as a whole being.  Many things have been going on in Morrissey’s life that are enough to push a person to the brink and make them want to say to hell with everything.  I do hope that he is not truly at this point because Morrissey is someone who is in a position to make such a difference in the world with his music and his philosophy and he has even more potential to contribute to the world if he is still willing to be a spokesperson. 

When I began my blog I was not sure where my own philosophy would fit into the world at large.  I made the  (seeming) mistake of putting a link to my blog on the fan site Morrissey Solo which got me some pretty nasty comments from a few of its people.  Not many, fortunately, were hateful.  The post actually got a few people to look at my essay on Morrissey’s health and his birth chart.  Many of those initial lookers were from Europe and a great many of them have returned for second, third, and more looks at what I had to say.  I appreciate that, even if I had to walk through the slaughter house to get there.  I am fairly sure that none of my European friends would have ever discovered my blog any other way, so I am grateful for what manifested as a result of a few hateful remarks and the Morrissey fans who gave my blog a chance.

Natural healing was not something that I set out to learn and that I practice it now started out quite by accident.  I was in a local health food store looking for a remedy that someone had mentioned to me in passing one day.  The owner of the store,(who was quite psychic, I later learned) presented himself to me and took me to the homeopathic section of his store.  He picked up a bottle of one remedy and offered it to me free of charge if it did not work for me.  I hadn’t actually told him anything about my physical health, he just offered the bottle.  What is interesting is that I was having some health issues that were pretty non-specific, but they were keeping me lying on the couch most of the day because I didn’t have any energy and I was quite depressed at the time.  Since I don’t believe in random occurrences, I took the remedy and a book called the Biochemic Handbook, (that he generously loaned to me) home and began taking the remedy which was called Lycopodium Clavatum, and sat down to read the book.  I was fascinated by the theory behind homeopathy and it seemed that I needed all of the twelve tissue salts that were described in the book.  By the time that I finished all of the pills, (about a month later) I was feeling better than I had felt in quite some time.  I actually had the energy to get up off the couch and my rear end and get some things accomplished.  When I went back to the health food store and offered to pay for the remedy, because it had made such a difference in my mental and physical state, he refused to let me.  I wanted to know everything that I could find out about the practice of homeopathy and he helped me every step of the way, even getting a 30 remedy kit for me at a heavily discounted price.  That set me on a path that I never expected to be on and I have been grateful for this for the past 15 years.  I have not seen a physician in all that time.  I am proficient in taking care of my health issues myself and I would not have it any other way.  There is such a sense of peace that goes with taking control of your own health and well being that I would not trade for anything.  It is challenging and sometimes it is frightening to be totally on your own with the responsibility for your own mortality, but there is nothing like the freedom from the medical establishment and the freedom to be in charge of your own physical destiny in the world.  I would not say that this independence is right for everyone, but it has been right for me and I have never been sorry that I set out on this path.  I owe a lot to the man who showed me the way and offered his mentorship to me free of charge and free of obligation.  It takes an independent soul and an independent thinker to embark upon a life like this but if you have that type of spirit in you, it is like being set free from a cold and distant healthcare system like we have here in America, which can bankrupt you within a short amount of time.  I won’t go into the particulars of how the healthcare system here has changed since the recent laws governing it were established,  I will save that for another day when I am feeling more like ranting about it.  What I will tell you is that the universe has provided us with miracles of healing in many different forms and they are there for the taking if you will just take that step toward independence and working with them.  Homeopathy, herbology, and a wealth of other miracles of life exist for us if we will just seek them out.  A belief in yourself is a necessary component for the working of a miracle but I can assure you that miracles do indeed happen if you are willing to believe in your own worth and your potential.

The real issue that I want to address here is Morrissey and how his brand of making a difference in the world still actually can, if he wants it to.  I can see why he might feel like “what the hell is the use?” since he was dropped from his record label and he has been experiencing so many difficulties, but as I said in my first post on this blog, illness is nearly always a call from the universe to do something different.  Morrissey has had some very public kicks in the head recently in his life and career but he has a voice that is listened to by a great many people.  Even if they aren’t buying the philosophy that he is selling it is being heard, and that is what is important. I hope that he wont let this difficult diagnosis stop him.  Being an open minded and liberal thinking person I hope that he will look into his own soul and find the new way that the universe is trying to get him to see.  I cannot believe that it is saying let whatever happens happen.  Not when he is in such a position to be seen and heard and can inspire in ways that most of us will never be able to. 

I wish for Morrissey the ability to recognize what life is trying to tell him.  If he can take charge of his own destiny again like he did in the 1980’s when he had the foresight and the initiative to put together the Smiths, he may yet create something that can change his world again and that of countless others who care so much about him and what he has contributed to the music world by just saying what he thought about some very bad things and some very good things that he knew about first hand.

Take care of yourself, Morrissey.  The world isn’t usually capable of doing it for you. The answers will be found in you and you alone. Find them in the past or find them in the present, but do keep looking.  People need you.

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