Friday, October 24, 2014

Your Life Path

For those of you who do not feel ready for the task of calculating a birth chart, but would still like to get a glimpse of the possibilities in your birth sign, there is a pretty good option for you out there if you are willing to do a bit of sleuthing in used book stores.  There is a book by Astrologer Jean Dixon (1904-1997) which was written in 1976 called Yesterday, Today and Forever.  Amazingly, it is still available at from some 3rd party book sellers for one penny plus shipping costs.  The book is divided into sections in each astrological sign based on the day that you were born reduced to a single digit number, such as; if you were born on the 25th day of the month you add the two numbers together to get 7 and that is your division in whatever sign you were born, as in, a February 25 birthday makes you a Pisces 7.   

Ms. Dixon was a world famous astrologer and psychic in her day and supposedly did astrology readings and predictions for Presidents and many other very famous people.  Not all of her predictions were accurate, but somehow she managed to get and keep a huge following of devotees even when she was completely inaccurate on many of her prophecies.  I grew up hearing adults talk about the fact that she predicted that this world would not stand until the year 2000.  So much for that Criswell, but I do respect her writings very much and in particular, her insights in this book.

Ms. Dixon was a practicing Roman Catholic and believed that there was nothing contradictory in combining her religious beliefs with her metaphysical beliefs.   Most psychics that I have known are not so accommodating to organized religion, but there are some who do not see a problem with a coexistence of the two.  Personally, I can see a need for both in the world but I do not usually find others who share that belief.  If only we could integrate on this level I think the world would be more balanced.  I won’t take a side here but I tend to find myself in the company of people who not only want to take a side they also want to destroy anyone who would dare have a different point of view.  In Ms. Dixon’s book you will not find anything to destroy your point of view if you believe in the Bible or you believe only what comes to you from spirit.  That is what I like so much about it. 

The premise of this book was based on a vision that Ms. Dixon had.  I won’t go in to the details of her vision but after having it she felt that it had revealed to her a correlation between the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 apostles of Jesus.  Her analysis of the lives of each of the apostles tells a story in each birth sign division that suggests a life path for whatever your sign is to events, difficulties and challenges that each apostle experienced in their life.  If you have the sun in Leo, your life path corresponds to the apostle John.  The sun in Capricorn, corresponds to the apostle Matthew, and the sun in Virgo corresponds to the apostle Philip, and so on.  Everyone that I have ever shown this book to has felt that their particular division synopsis fit them extremely accurately.  You do not need to have a background in religion or in Astrology to make use of the concepts promoted in this book. It is very easy to understand and integrate her views and suggestions for how to navigate in this life without going deeply into the philosophy of any particular belief system.

I am all for learning as much as possible about one’s particular reason for being on planet earth and an in-depth study of this is one of the greatest things that you can do for yourself, but not all of us are ready to hit the ground running with new concepts and possibilities. If that is where you happen to be at the moment; interested, but not necessarily ready to take a giant step, I don’t think that you could do better than Yesterday, Today, and Forever to look into the realm of what may be.  Bridging the gap between the Bible and the Akashic Records is an amazing thing to see, and Jean Dixon has managed to do it splendidly and expertly.  Bless her, wherever she is now.  

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