Friday, October 31, 2014

Spook Louder

When you have made some notable progress into the world of the mystical, expect to see many changes in your environment as well as in your abilities.  One real possibility is that you will become aware of discarnate entities.  How this can manifest varies from person to person.  My mentor was able to see people who had passed into the afterlife in a real sense, as in, they appeared to him as real as if they were in the physical.  This is not typical of my experience. Although,  I do see beings who are no longer flesh and blood.  Not infrequently this happens at a time when I am least prepared to deal with it, such as when I have woken up briefly to turn over in bed.  This is never a good time to show up and try to tell me something, if indeed they want to speak.  Usually, they don’t.  Many times they do not seem to even be aware of my presence.  On the last occasion that this happened there were three of them right next to my bed, fighting.  If you have a cat you may notice that they are aware of a spirit’s presence as well.  I have never seen any of my friends or relatives who have passed on.  I am truly grateful for this, too, because I have a dreaded fear of this happening.  It is something I really wish that I could overcome but I have not, as yet.  When someone that I have loved does appear to me it is always in dreams or I just hear their voice (clairaudience).  Many times spirits only appear to me in my mind’s eye.  When I do have a true visual visitation, they appear transparent, much like those in the Disney film ”The Haunted Mansion”  I am speaking of the ones that Eddie Murphy encounters in the cemetery, not the ones who were in the house.  Mental visions of departed spirits have never frightened me but that is not always the case with the ones who appear in my room at night.  It doesn’t help that I am startled and have had no prior warning as I usually do with either a psychic alert or a scent or coldness in the air. There have been times when these spirits have been directly in front of my face, just staring at me.  Talk about a freak out moment!  It definitely is!  I’m guessing that this doesn’t happen often because I don’t handle it well.  Thank god for small favors!  I am also able to see “imprints” of past events in actual vision.  They are generally people in the place where they passed on.  I have seen people standing on the side of the road when I am driving and perceive that this is the place where they were killed.  I have also seen animals in the road who were killed by cars.  It is easy to confuse imprints with discarnate entities (ghosts) but this isn’t always the case.  This type of sight is useful when determining if a house or area is haunted.  A true haunting is different in that you most likely will be aware of sounds, smells, movement and voices if the place is truly haunted and the imprint is only showing you that an event took place here that was likely traumatic in nature and living people/animals passed on as a result.

Another new experience may be interference with electrical devices in your home.  My mentor used to call it “splintering” when stereos, televisions, and appliances go suddenly haywire for no apparent reason.  He said that my own ability to tap in to the energy that we use for our psychic ability is not in control for reasons of stress, etc.  This is unfocused energy and large amounts of it could obviously do some serious damage.  This is one reason why it is imperative that you know yourself and know what it is that you are working with.  There are people who are adept at using and manipulating electrical energy.  It is called psychokinesis.  I do not possess this ability but I have known people who do. Other forms of unfocused energy can appear as possible poltergeist activity.  Children who are psychic are notorious for producing this type of phenomena. 

Experiences like these are helpful when you begin to learn about reincarnation.  To have witnessed these things makes the realization that some form of life does go on even after we have discarded the physical body easier to accept and more plausible.   I will go into the realities of reincarnation and seeing and believing the truth of this in another post. 

Something that you will need to start paying greater attention now is your dreams.  You may already be doing this to some degree but you will certainly need to start paying more attention to them once you have some ability in other areas.  This is how much needed information is given to you, psychic or not. It is just going to step up it’s speaking voice once you are paying more attention to other forms of universal information.  More than 75% of my dreams, since I have been actively using my ability, have been direct information that helps me navigate in life.  Some things are more useful and informative than others are, but it is something that you truly must start paying more attention to because you are now a true conduit for the knowledge of the universe and not paying attention can get you into unexpected trouble or cause the universe to speak much louder and harsher to make you pay attention.  If you aren’t doing your dream homework, believe me, you won’t get away with it for long before you start making some serious screw-ups and start getting the needed information in ways that aren’t so subtle.  You are a liason between this world and the other one now, and your intelligence and ability are sorely needed.  The remaining 25% of your dream experiences may appear as what a friend of mine calls “paid program dreams”.  They make little sense and I suppose that they could possibly be just some trivial “junk mail” information.  You should pay attention to them, though, and learn to interpret them yourself.  The so-called “dream interpretation” books that are available are of little use.  They can sometimes help you understand universal-type symbols, but by and large your dreams are private messages for you and you alone, and you are the best person equipped to dissect them and determine their intelligence.  I will be writing at another time about the elements of dream interpretation.

Your life is changing and it can be a truly wonderful and fascinating ride.  Make use of any mentors who want to help you along the way.  Congratulations on making it this far.  Safe journey.

                         HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

1 comment:

  1. I've never been lucky enough to actually see a ghost but I've always wanted to. How many do you think you've seen so far? I love your blog!


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