Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Twelfth in a Series

Look, I would dearly love to make this week’s entry on my blog something that is fun, happy and amusing.  I have searched every day this week for those topics that would give you a sense of joy and well being for this first Saturday in October, but here’s the deal; there just f**king ain’t any.  Sorry. Maybe next time. I will continue to look for silver linings.

If you did the “respect/disrespect” experiment that I proposed last week you probably have more to tell than I do. I hope that some of you had a day that was mild on the disrespect and can tell me that I just happen to live in a place where most of the people are jackasses.  I don’t doubt it, but when I read current news stories and listen to what friends from out of town say, I think that it is highly likely that my fellow citizens here have relatives or like-minded  people wherever you may live as well. If all of the people that you know are great and special you need to stay where you are.  You are one lucky human.

Okay, in case it looks like I have forgotten the reason that I started this blog, which was to help you look for your original self and to develop your intuition, know that I truly haven’t cast that goal aside to have a rant or two about what is wrong with planet earth and its inhabitants.  We have been taking some side trips for sure to get to the root cause of why you aren’t experiencing clairvoyance in the first place.  I know that Edgar Cayce didn’t have to look at his contribution to the downfall of society to make his predictions and cure people of their ills, but it is not the 1930’s anymore and I do not doubt for a moment that if Edgar is back with us now he should read this blog because he can’t be having an easy time navigating in 2014.  I have known some pretty high level psychics in my life and I can tell you that even those who could predict me out of the ballpark have trouble managing now.  There are too many distractions, too many choices, and too many ways to get off the track.  The greatest mentor that I ever had was not immune to the difficulties that we face now.   People who practice the martial arts tell me that you can never be better than your teacher.  I’m sure that they truly believe this and who am I to say that they are wrong?  But I think that our society is demanding that we rise above what was taught to us or we are going to go down like the Titanic with all of the new problems that we have created for ourselves.  There was a time when it was safe to be a real estate agent and show a house to a client without being in fear of being kidnapped and killed but that belief can no longer exist.  There also used to be drive-in theatres and no need for security cameras and armed guards at schools and in the workplace. The generation before us did not have to deal with the kinds of problems that we are facing today, so if we cannot rise above their intelligence we are in serious trouble. 

I have been seeing in the stats that come in for my blog that people from Poland, Germany, France, Romania and Russia are visiting here as well as many people from the U.S.  Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read.  I do hope that the things I write do not suffer in the translation.  If any of you have a blog I would love to come and read what you have to say about your world because it truly is our world and the things that go on in China, South America, Australia and any other country that you can think of affect us all.  I wish that we could all get together and make a difference right now, but since we can’t the best that I can do is write something here every week and hope that it is something that you can relate to and hopefully pass along to others.  We need to have our wits about us in any language and use our abilities to undo what has been done to our lives.  If you took the time to go back to your past and uncover the person that you really are and were meant to be I am so grateful.  You are on the road to exceeding the teachings that you have had and going so much further than the generation before you ever could have.  Tell us some good news if you have any.  We want to know that we are not alone.  Hillary Clinton said that it takes a village, but I think that she is wrong.  It takes a planet and we are the inhabitants of that planet.  Let’s talk and put out there some news that I could not find this week to make us smile and feel a sense of our own worth.  I may not be the best Pollyanna but you could be.  Say something in German or French or Russian or any language because we need to hear from you.  I will probably be back next week with another installment of “you need to find your sense of self and self worth” because that is what I do, but my contribution is only a fraction of what is necessary.  What is in your birth chart?  Care to share it?  We could use some good news.  Tell us.  We learned from last week’s experiment how to keep our mouths shut and not “be dissin’ nobody”.  We won’t pounce on you.  You caught us at a good time because we can still do a day of respect from memory.  We remember how to go back to the past.  We were invited.


  1. Hi Tara! Just wanted to say a "hello" from the U.S. and add that I understand having weeks where it just seems like there is no good news. :-/ But I wanted to let you know that I've been following your blog since I read the post about vegetarianism and that was the good news I needed that week. So thank you and keep on blogging!

    1. Rachael, Thanx so much. I appreciate you taking the time to post a comment. People like you are the reason that I write.


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