Friday, April 21, 2023

Single Payer Society

We have come to a point here in America where we can no longer pretend that we have the ability to carry on with the myth and the ideal that we are the admiration of the world and there are equal opportunities for all to achieve “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. What we actually have is “your tired, your poor, and your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. No matter what you have heard, the ability to prosper here is being eaten alive by massive job losses, massively expensive housing, and massively high prices on everything.  Too assume that the situation is going to improve is the acme of ignorance and for those of us who haven’t fallen yet there is the wonder how long we can remain on life support. But wait - we aren’t on life support! Not when we are rapidly being replaced by AI, robots, employers who expect one person to do the work of 3 or 4, and a society that doesn’t seem to care.

As incredible as it may sound, there are still people here who will tell you that these things aren’t happening. They will also get in your face and tell you that whatever hardship you may be experiencing is your own fault or call you a whiner for pointing out the facts. This society is going down the tubes rapidly and if you don’t believe it, you might want to take a look at all of the gun violence here. Where I live, there are people who carry guns into the grocery stores and people who sit on their front porches with loaded firearms. It wasn’t always like this. There is some reason why people are aggressive and terrified and just looking for someone to take their frustrations out on. You do not see behavior like this in a free and prosperous country with opportunities and hope for the future.

Poverty, hunger, sickness, homelessness, want, and fear are all around us. There are people who are extremely angry about the inequality that exists here and even though they desperately need help they will “bite the hand that feeds them” because they are furious that we have inequality in the first place and we have a society that sees no reason to change that because charities exist and sometimes crumbs are passed around to put a band-aid on the problem long enough to shut people up for awhile. The haves and have nots are so disconnected and so far removed from each other here that they might as well be on different planets. We might actually have some peace if they were, but since they are not, the time has really come to take a hard look at why inequality exists and persists.

There is an assumption in this world that if you work you can have your needs met but this isn’t true. If you have a job outside of your home you may earn enough in wages to buy a shirt or many shirts if your job pays well. Why is it that a person who is not working is denied one? The answer to that is that business owners who wish to have many, many shirts will share a small amount of their wealth with those who do their work for them so they receive lots of money for whatever their company produces. They hire others to do the work that is actually their responsibility for having created their own company. They enlarge their company to the point where they can no longer manage the production alone. This is when they seek out others to do their slave labor. But since slavery was abolished in this country many years ago, they have to call what they are doing something else. It is called employment. If you are not employed right now, the process involved in finding a job is a total self-esteem crusher. Even if you have valuable skills, a good work record, and a degree of faith in your own ability those who make the decisions on who gets hired and who does not tend to play a game of proving that you are nothing more than a human resource whom they do not really need and you should not assume that you have any worth beyond an inadequate salary and a casual notice. Whatever hardship that you may be experiencing that brought you to their company seeking a job is irrelevant and not their problem.

In some cases, employment will provide you with a salary large enough to meet your needs and the demands of a society that wants money as much as you do. They usually provide some sort of mutual exchange in return for your money but it is rarely a fair exchange and you find that you run out of your resources quickly and are barred from making all of the exchanges that you need to sustain your life and wellbeing while others amass a great amount of wealth at your expense. How do we change the dynamics of this situation so it is equitable for all and not just for a few? They rely on your inequality to maintain a system that will never allow things to be different.

It is not a natural and inborn trait in humans to believe that they should have more than others do. Children know instinctively when they have had enough to eat. Small children nearly always stop eating when they are full.  They usually cannot be compelled to eat more unless an adult forces them to clean their plate by requiring that they not waste food. Most animals are the same. They will stop eating when their need has been met. It takes a developed ego to deny food or comfort to others, and a perceived sense of superiority in people to delight in the discomfort of others. This behavior is learned. Even when a small child refuses to share a toy with other children it is usually because they do not wish to be deprived of their own amusement with it and not because they wish to be mean. That comes later in childhood if it happens. Here again, it is a learned behavior that comes from either curiosity to see how others will react to deprivation or it stems from a desire to make someone else deliberately feel bad.  It is behavior that will only get worse if an adult does not intervene and explain why being that way is a problem. It would appear that there are few adults in power in this world. While there are some laws and rules regarding selfishness in our culture, they are not enforced in an equitable way. Too many people see no reason to be fair in the distribution of life’s necessities. And though not everyone delights in seeing others deprived they are complicit in perpetuating want and need by ignoring that it exists or placing blame on the victims of poverty.

Most people won’t do anything that doesn’t make them feel good in some way. Many people work but they don’t all enjoy doing it. It is a necessity of life that they feel they have to do and would not do it at all, at least not at the behest of a business owner whom they don’t give one damn about, if they knew another way to get by in this world.  Much of that mentality is behind scamming, cheating, and criminal behavior. It is much more fun to set up some unsuspecting sucker and talk them out of their money than it is to get out of bed early and go down to the office or factory or retail shop and do something that benefits someone else more than it does you. It takes a lot of fear, force, and brainwashing to accomplish this. There are some jobs that people enjoy enough to do for nothing. Many do volunteer work, but that won’t pay the bills so it only happens when people already have their basic needs met. To have an all-volunteer society you would have to provide a basic income to everyone up front. Here is why the employer class does not want that to happen; because few if any people would take their crap and their crap jobs. I think that many people would still take the jobs that serve a purpose and serve the greater good, but most would not clean the employer’s toilets, wash their cars, do their laundry or any other job that a typical adult is capable of doing for themselves, and they would not give 75% of what their work is worth back to the employer so he can be 75% better off in life than they are. You would still see street cleaners and sanitation workers because that serves the entire community and the common good. Trash will pile up in your house, too, if the job isn’t done. Yes, some people would not get up off their asses to hit a tap but those kinds have always existed and they would quickly find that there would be no appreciation from others of their existence and they aren’t likely to think that is too great. Nowhere in the world is there a place where all of the people are reasonable and responsible.

An ideal society has never existed anywhere but the majority of the social and societal ills the we have manifested as a result of inequality and favoritism on the part of elitists who tightfistedly covet a system that will constantly support the illusion that they do not have to experience fear and hardship has backed us into a corner where people are coming out fighting and shooting and feeling that they have little to lose now when everything is being taken away from them.  As long as we are complicit in allowing the elite to keep a master/slave mentality by agreeing with them that they are deserving and others are not, we condemn the majority of the people to death because their resources continue to be claimed and stolen away by an elite minority. So, we need to set up a system where volunteer work is valued and appreciated enough to provide a basic income to all because they are here and they contribute to society in the best way that they know how.  That basic income would need to be for every individual and be equivalent to a living wage. A one-person household would receive an amount equal to what it costs for one person to live comfortably without fear that they would not be able to pay for housing, food, and all that goes with that. Another basic check would be received for every other adult and child in the home.

For too long we have told people that they are not worthy. To volunteer is to be proactive in charting your own future. To wait and hope and pray that others will somehow notice that they have worth is all that we have given to the majority and if they won’t get up off their backsides and contribute to their world it is mainly the result of making sure that they never see that they matter.

The basic income would be distributed by the government but it would be funded by the business class and the wealthy. Money would not be paid to the volunteers by the business sector. There would be no tiered salaries based on favoritism or longevity. This system is actually not much different from the Medicare for all system that most people want for this country.  Compensation would be paid to the providers of the medical services from one source through taxation. It is similar to the military in that all of the basic needs of the enlisted people are provided for and our military has been all volunteers since after the Vietnam war. Back then many people thought that no one would ever enlist in the military again but they were wrong.

One of the first arguments against a system and society like this would be regarding the federal income tax. It needs to be remembered that there was no income tax on a worker’s wages until 1913 when the income tax bill introduced in 1909 was ratified by Congress. The US had been going along very well without it before that for more than 100 years. Where did the money come from to run this country and its government prior to that? Since the early 1950s our government has relied on working people to support it as much as 80%. Consider that our country was built from the ground up. Where did the money come from to build cities, roads, universities, government offices and everything that we have before the average working citizens were required to pay for all that is here? It came from those who were most able to afford it - corporations, businesses, and the very wealthy. Their ability to amass incredible fortunes was viewed as a privilege of being able to accomplish such a thing here and it was fair and just that they give support and something back to the country that allowed this to be possible. Somewhere along the line it was decided that they shouldn’t have to do that anymore and their contributions have been less and less for decades to the point where we are now. The wealthy do not even pay into the Social Security system. When the ungodly rich pay little or no federal taxes and somehow manage to receive millions of dollars in tax refunds every year there is little wonder why the average wage earner is having such a difficult time surviving now.  Doing away with corporate welfare and tax refunds to the rich who pay little or no taxes into the system now would more than pay for a basic income for the people. We are supporting the bloated and obese oligarchs who would still be filthy rich if they were being held accountable as they previously were. Ungodly wealthy people have always existed even back when they were required to pay their fair share.

A volunteer system of work would eliminate so many of the social problems and inequality that are dividing and destroying this nation. It may be that you would want to keep your present job because you are good at it and know that it has worth. Where your income is distributed from would not change the fact that your time and effort and expertise are still needed. It would only change the hierarchy and classism that exists in the workplace that keeps you from having a feeling of pride and self-worth about what you contribute there. It would also do away with the fear of being unemployed, uninsured, and unable to keep your home and meet your obligations because your income is not governed by a work requirement. The only real requirement is that you understand that you are an integral part of your society and a necessary element in keeping your world functioning not only for your wellbeing but for the wellbeing of a society that is worth living in.  There would be many jobs that would fall by the wayside because they would no longer be relevant or they never were to begin with, but except for those who are too old, too young, or mentally or physically incapable of working there are so many possibilities when you eliminate the unnecessary and put your energy into the things that really matter. Whether or not a business or a product or a service is needed and relevant would likely need to be rethought. If there is a need and demand for its work product there would be no question regarding its survival but most towns do not need more than one of the same business and many of them now have multiples in cities that cannot support them all. A clean and safe world, good health and wellbeing, and a sense of accomplishment and pride in your own worth are the elements that could make life in America the marvel of the world, and they are at the core of what we all seek for ourselves in our lifetime, starting at birth. To feel that your life has meaning and a purpose is the ultimate accomplishment at the highest level. Far too many Americans do not have that and see no hope of ever achieving it when they are shown every single day that their life means nothing when it is so easy to lose it. Leveling the playing field is our best hope because the alternative is to stand by and watch the downfall of our country.


From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” - Karl Marx

Saturday, April 15, 2023

For We Are the Chosen Ones

And one ring to the race of men, who above all else desire power.- The Lord of The Rings - The Fellowship of The Ring

In the Fellowship of The Ring, Frodo Baggins inherits a ring of power from his Uncle Bilbo. Neither one of them fully understand the extent of the power that the ring holds but Frodo comes to know how powerful and dangerous it is as he is charged with seeing to its destruction before it falls into the hands of others who would destroy their world in full ignorance of what it actually means to hold that kind of power. Frodo embarks upon a journey fraught with incredible danger for him. He is nearly killed many times and the ring exerts a sometimes overwhelming power over him. Ultimately, he does destroy the ring but his journey leaves him depleted of the ability to pick up from it and live normally again. The power of capitalism and greed that we are experiencing the fallout from right now is destroying this generation. More than 150 years ago Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels realized what it was doing to societies and individuals in their time. They set about trying to create a society that would not destroy the people as they tried to make a decent living for themselves and their families. The struggle of Marx and Engles is still going on today. It has never taken hold in any generation since their time because there are not enough people who will listen to a philosophy that can negate the destruction of the modern world. Destroying capitalism’s unbridled power once again falls upon those of us who may not be able to withstand the forces of men who have sought only wealth and profit and power to the point of eliminating a future for their descendants.

The adults in America who had lived through the stock market crash in the 1920’s, the Great Depression in the 1930’s, and World War II in the 1940’s never wanted to see their children suffer through such times as they had seen. Babies born after the war grew up in a world of building up instead of tearing down. There was a new prosperity and great hope for the future. These children were the future and no one wanted them to know poverty and want or need. A great many of them never did. So their comfortable world was built for them and they had the time and the freedom to cash in on it. Unfortunately, they saw no need to keep building on that for the generations to come.

But I got a drug and I got the bug and I got something better than love.” -from the Beck song Beercan

For a time in the 1960’s, there was freedom and fun and college and protest when war came again, but this generation did not see it in terms of patriotism and civil responsibility. This war was different and this generation was different, and the times were different. So there was a period of energy focused upon the previous generation who had gotten us into the war. They were wrong, we are right. “Make love not war.”, and so they did. Then in the 1970’s the troops were brought home from Vietnam and the children felt better. But what would they do now? They would make money. Lots of it. It was decided that there were many untapped avenues for doing so. They weren’t doing it just for the money. They were “doing it for a “s**t load of money!” (from the film Spaceballs) And thus began a 50 year quest for ungodly profits for the former “love generation” who were able to leave that philosophy behind and never look back and not remember to preserve a place for their children who would never learn about the struggle that came before them. “Nobody told us. ‘Cause nobody showed us.” (from the song Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart.)

And now it really is up to us to fight for and insist that our elders who have left us a crumbling and broken system and society fix the damage. We are working hard to repair what we can but they keep showing us in no uncertain terms that we aren’t deserving of a good start in life. They fix nothing and break everything. They are taking away every freedom from us that they enjoyed, squandering resources, and making it impossible for us to afford a balanced life. Why are they doing that?  Because they cannot stand the fact that the future is ours and they are on their way out. They were the generation that was going to stay young and beautiful and on top of the game forever. How dare these kids expect to take over! This land is not your land it is my land and I will destroy it before I let you take it from me.  It is jealousy and narcissism from the “Baby Boomer” generation who fear the death of their lifetime in the sun that they enjoyed for longer than they were entitled to. 

So, we stand upon the mountain battered and beaten with the hope of changing what our forefathers left us with, and as we contemplate throwing the capitalist ring of power into the fire, we encounter those who covet it so much with a poisoned mind that they see nothing but how they must hold onto their prize, and they will fight to the death to keep it, hoping that the death will be of those who seek a different way. God only knows if we will prevail as Frodo did when the ring went into the abyss with the power-hungry creature who could not stand to live without it. Even if we do prevail, we will never be the same. It has taken too great a toll on us. And the spoiled children who brought us to this point will bring about the death that they so fear rather than find the courage to let go of the myth that they are invulnerable and immortal.