Monday, December 26, 2016

When The Wind Changes

In the 1940’s, renowned prophet Edgar Cayce warned us to be watching carefully what would happen to the USSR because its fate would also be the fate of the United States.  It has now been 25 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union and if you don’t see the winds of change upon us in this country you are surely not paying much attention.  Our new president-elect is about to prove to us and the rest of the planet just how his new direction plans may blow us all to kingdom come.

The world is in more danger of collapsing in on itself in 2017 than it has ever been before, but the consequences of that danger will not be confined to America alone.  We have in place now the probability of going insane and taking many others with us. To prepare for this impending storm it is imperative that we act for the protection of our own in much the way that we would if we were told that a tornado or a tsunami or a hurricane was hurling toward us. As much as we might love and care for others on the planet we are not in a position to protect anyone other than those in our own circle.  This means that we must be completely clear about our priorities and what we can and cannot do.  I have to assume that if you are reading this blog and have taken the necessary steps to know yourself and what you are capable of, as in going back to your past and discovering the true you, you are capable of managing what the universe is about to send your way.  The time for ego and vanity is past and if you are still hanging on to the shallow things that distract you from doing what you came here to do, I am urging you not to wait another second before you set those traits in you aside because they can only harm you now.  You might realize just how alone you really are in making the best life for yourself when you see how many of the entertainment icons we have lost in just the past year.  Many of us have depended on the wonderful distraction of music and films to help us escape a depressing and scary world.  Losing the people who have provided such escapism for us is a painful reminder of how fragile our sense of well being truly is when it comes from outside ourselves.

The United States has a presence of one sort of another in almost every country in the world.  When the shockwaves hit I can only speculate what kind of effect they will have on people outside of this country. The president-elect has already been laying the groundwork for the toppling of our way of life and system of government.  Not that these things did not need to change, they did, but their death was not the solution.  Key cabinet appointees are tending to be people who have been against the ways and policies of the very posts that they will hold.  Though one cannot be totally sure what that will mean to the protections that are now in place such as the EPA and those who will represent us in foreign policy matters, you can be sure that with the current climate of mistrust that exists between the US and others, there is a shift coming that is going to poison the wells of many. 

The time has passed for lamenting what might have been, could have been or should have been.  This is what we got.  The warnings of the universe have been out there for a long time.  Too many did not heed them and this is the result.  There were 3 candidates for us to choose from in this country but each of them carried with them an outcome that would have at some point produced the same result; the end of the world as we know it. Hillary Clinton would have fought to keep the status quo and ushered in more of the same.  Bernie Sanders would have fought to bring about the kind of change that might have given us more balance, but (as was the case in the Soviet Union) peace and a more balanced way of thinking is not something that those in power would tolerate, as they would have much to lose if things got better.

Anger and blame and aggression will not help us now.  The best that we can do as citizens who want to survive is stay the hell out of the way.  Keep your own counsel and protect what you need to.  Trying to shift the blame and destroy others benefits nothing and no one.   This is a storm that is bound to cause some damage, but it is the only way to purge us from the elements that have brought us to this point in the first place.  Sometimes you just have to let the bullies prevail so that they may destroy themselves when they assume that they have been victorious.  When there is a 30 car pile-up on the motorway ahead of you, you know that you need to take an alternate route. Better yet, stay off the road entirely, if you can.  If you don’t have your safe spot in place yet, do it now because it is the only thing that you can do when the universe speaks in a thunderous voice to get the hell out of the line of fire!

Watch and listen carefully. Universal knowledge is the only thing that you have now to protect yourself in the coming cataclysms.  It is not my intent to sound like Chicken Little here and proclaim that the sky is falling, but if you have been listening and paying attention at all to your inner connection, I haven’t said anything here that you don’t already know or at least suspect.  Stay in the trenches.  This is a battle to do away with greed and selfishness and all of those things that have turned us into the hateful society that we are.  Get out of the way while these things get put to death.  Do not assume that as they get worse it means the destroyers will prevail.  What it does mean is that we must see it for all that it is in Technicolor or we will continue to feed the monster.

That you have visited your past and seen your future is your only defense against this war of the world.  Pray that the bringers of hell will only destroy themselves in the end.  You must survive to help pick us up again.

Friday, November 11, 2016

America Draws the (Trump) Tower Card

Nobody wants to see the Tower card come up in a tarot reading, but there are times when it is the only thing that can come when there is a dire need for change and we will not get up off our asses and do what is necessary to bring it about.  For those of us who read the universe as a way of life, there was no doubt that this country had it coming but it is painfully plain that a large portion of the American populace (and perhaps the world) did not see the Tower building up to explode. 

So many revelations came out of the weeks and months prior to the final election on November 8.  Many of them were given to us by Julian Assange (God bless him!) and WikiLeaks.  There are those who do not want to know the extent of how devious and underhanded some people and institutions are but they play a fools game by wanting to remain ignorant, or at least wanting the American people to remain so.  Thank you, Julian, for allowing us to see, some of the truth.  It pains me greatly that WikiLeaks is always dangerously close to the chopping block by what they do.  I wonder if we would ever know the extent of how low those in power can go if not for a few brave souls who risk it all and give up so much to reveal what others would keep covered until their death to prevent us from knowing what is really going on.  The universe does provide a great many things to help us on our journeys, individually and collectively if we are capable of paying attention to something other than egotistical pursuits.  We did have help seeing the Democratic side of the Tower build up, but Donald Trump was more than willing to expose his own contributions freely to the ways in which America is in the outhouse.  The reveal was painful to see and hear but it is a fact that we were deluding ourselves if we really thought that humanity was doing better than his speech and behavior revealed to us.

I am not here today to trash talk Trump or Clinton.  Others are doing an excellent job of that without my help.  On the contrary, I am extremely grateful to both of them for letting us know how truly bad off we are because there would never be any attempt to fix these incredible problems that we have if they had not been displayed for us in living color.

The divisions in belief in America have finally been recognized and are being analyzed to death at the moment but it was desperately needed.  It remains to be seen if we are the kind of people who will be able to pick up the shattered pieces of the Tower that has exploded all to hell in front of our faces and rebuild something from it that will be a positive for all.  It has to start with the individual, though.  Individual responsibility is truly the only way that there can ever be change that will help us come together and put those positives that we learn in our soul to beneficial use.  Donald Trump may be the person that we have elected to lead the country but it is no secret now that no matter what he says he is not in possession of solutions that will make a better world.  We just had to know what his contribution to the rest of the Tower reading was going to challenge us with. It is up to us to understand that it took a very large percentage of people to get us where we are right now and our president-elect is only a part of the equation in fixing a society that has its head screwed on backwards when it comes to making a world that will peacefully accommodate all of the diverse people and attitudes that make up our country.  Once again, it will be a call to the past to discover our future.  We have to travel back to the time when we didn’t feel this much hate and intolerance if we ever hope to rid ourselves of it.  It may look like an impossible task, and for some, it probably is, but it doesn’t take an Einstein to recognize that we are in serious trouble as a species and our names now appear on the endangered list.  If we continue to carry the kind of intolerance and vicious attitudes toward others that we have been shown exists not just in the everyday people of this nation but all the way to the top of the ruling class, it is apparent that those who tell us that they are fit to lead are definitely not, and it is up to the rest of us to show to everyone that we got the Tower’s message and are ready to redirect our individual energies toward a positive, even if those who will represent us may not have that capability at present without being shown a better way.   However we feel about the outcome of the election it will be necessary to set aside the negatives in order to find positives if we truly want them.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Maybe We Just Thought the World Would Change To Fit Our Needs

The above title is a line from a song called The Class of ’57 by The Statler Brothers.  The song itself is not really representative of what I want to convey here but it does speak of how some people seem to be feeling when you consider that so many are angry about a world that hasn’t given them what they want in life. The actual Class of ’57, as told in the song, though, did not get in a twist about it They just went on with their lives, and the song tells what became of many of them. This is not the case for a great many people now. Too many people are willing to kill and cause a great deal of grief to others as a result of their not finding a world that will adapt to their personal desires. This is childish and selfish behavior by individuals who somehow have the notion that they have some special entitlement to be supported by the world in their thinking.  If we all felt this way human kind would be much higher on the endangered species list.  And we definitely are on the list.  It is being proven to us at a break-neck speed right now that we are.

I cannot tell you here that this is going to change and we will live in peace and happiness soon.  We won’t.  What has happened to our world is what we can expect to continue.  No government, no police force and no religion has the power to change it.  I am seeing that governments have realized that they have no power to turn the tide of men who are making the decision that others should die for disagreeing with their philosophy. It doesn’t help that we see our own governments display similar attitudes. There have been calls for the people to take to the streets and fight or join military reserves to help because law enforcement has learned in the hardest way possible that they cannot manage in the face of men who are willing to kill and die for a perceived snub to their entitlement.  To anyone reading this blog who has been touched by the recent violence in St. Paul, Baton Rouge, Dallas, and Nice, France, know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, and a day never goes by that I don’t work in the spiritual realms seeking an answer to what we might say or do in life to make a difference in what we are experiencing.

Humans are not a collective like the Borg in Star Trek. Many of us may have similar feelings about life, the universe, and everything but the feelings belong first and foremost to the individual.  It is being proven to us every day that these feelings do not mesh well with the point of view in other cultures.  On the face of it, it would seem that immigration should work under any circumstances but this is truly not the case now.  Honestly it never really has been.  America is proof of that when you consider that we are a nation of immigrants and the fighting here has never stopped, even when we went to other countries and kidnapped thousands of people, supposedly because we wanted them here.  Set aside their purpose for this mass crime for a moment and just consider that we wanted them to be here.  We have never treated them well in an overall sense.  The native people who were already here when white people showed up were treated horribly and eventually exiled to the reservations.  This is how too many people feel about those who are different. I realize that this seems cruel and defeatist but if we are going to change our world we will have to take a hard look at what got us to this point in the first place.  It isn’t only the fault of the host country that the immigrants are coming to.  The immigrants themselves leave their homes supposedly to create a different and better life, but far too many of them arrive in the new country and immediately become angry about their former ways of life and cultures being lost to them in a new environment. Supposedly this is what they were seeking, but if I were to show up at my neighbor’s house asking to become a part of their family I would not get much support for an attitude of expecting the new environment to change to suit what I am used to.  This is only one of our problems.  A problem that we have here in America is a fear of a rapidly changing world that we no longer feel we have control of coupled with a long standing assumption that anyone other than a white male is lesser and inferior.  The reasons that this mentality exists are numerous but in the end it doesn’t matter what the reasons are.  As thinking, reasoning adults we all know better than to behave this way, but we believe that we are entitled to whatever we want whenever we want it thanks to the internet and an advertising media that sells us this delusion every minute of the day. Many people believe that America is the best place on the planet to come to for a fresh start and a better way of life but I can tell you that many people who are already here, right here in Memphis, are so deeply in poverty and hopelessness that they cannot even hope to have electricity in their homes because it is not affordable. The grass is not always greener.

The universe supplied us at birth with the tools to navigate this life in the way that we were destined to do.  We are not all destined for glory and a comfortable life but we always have at our disposal a way to live in the best way possible for our own individual needs if we are capable of looking for it without anger and contempt.  What is ours inherently may not always fit a standard that has been sold to us as being the best but it is always going to be what is right for us.  The lessons are not built in to our brains but they are available to us if we are in touch with our selves enough to listen.  Nothing prevents us from finding our answers as adults if we do not get in the way of it by having too much ego.  The road is never truly easy but if we are not distracted by selfishness it can go much smoother.  At the bottom of all violence is an inflated ego that throws a tantrum whenever it does not get its way.

There is really nothing that we can do about a culture that refuses to live and let live except do that very thing ourselves.  We cannot participate in the tantrums being displayed by the weakest of us.  You may not readily see a way to keep yourself out of the line of fire when these people show up in random places with murder on their minds, but a sincere request of the universe can and does help you chart the right course so that you may be safe from harm.  The help isn’t always given to us in a way that is readily understandable but if we are true to ourselves we are more than capable of managing what we receive.  Times are extremely tough and confusing now so understand that the way out this may be tough and confusing at times, too, but a firm belief that we are entitled to help and we will only be given what is the absolute best for us is all that we can truly count on now.  There is no political solution.  There is no group solution.  There is only you and your personal solution that was put in place for you a long time ago.  You may have forgotten it, but a trip back to the past and to the source of all that lives can bring you back from the confusion.  We will hope that others will make the same journey and bring back hope to a dying civilization.  There is simply no other alternative.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Brexit – Stage Right

I am so happy and terribly proud of what the citizens of The United Kingdom were able to accomplish last week in voting to leave the European Union.  What they have done is something that many other countries in the world must be marveling at and wondering if they, too, might be able to remove themselves from similar situations where they find that those who are making the decisions in their lives are not doing so in a way that is balanced and fair.

I wholeheartedly applaud the British people and their firmness of reason and their determination to make right what they know to be wrong.  I send my support out into the universe on their behalf in hopes that this historic and monumental thing that they have done brings them all that they have worked for, and I wish for them as they try to reclaim their autonomy and bring back the stability that they so badly want, that they also remember their  past in order to not stumble badly over their own karma as they do.

The sins of the past and the sins of the father’s are never truly forgotten.  All deeds are etched into the universe and await balancing throughout time.  Few countries have been so successful in conquering their neighbors as the English have in decades/centuries past, except for maybe the Americans and the Romans. The battles that they fought for Scotland, Ireland, India, Hong Kong and other lands may seem to be resolved by the conquered peoples there, but it is a fact that the universe never forgets a wrong.  Even if the wrongs appear to be overcome by those who were the recipients of those wrongs.  I would urge caution on the part of the British to remember that they have many times in history forced their way and their will upon more peaceful countries and most of those countries have never had the luxury of standing up and saying we don’t want this, let us out.  I cannot imagine the EU coming in with weapons and forcing the English to stay in the union at gunpoint, but just for the sake of argument, it might be an intelligent thing to ponder their past actions as they extricate themselves from a situation that they do not want.  Others have hoped and prayed and wished to be free of what was forced upon them in times past, and though it may seem totally irrelevant in this day and time to dredge up such things, what we put forth in the world is never lost.  There is always a point, somewhere, sometime that we will be required to remember. I am not saying that their karma will be instant and overwhelming.  Sometimes balance comes softly and easily as if we suddenly always knew what we must do to make things right.  I hope that this will be the case for the U.K.  God knows they are suffering in the present with all of the social and economic problems that are happening there and in the entire world.  For their sake, I hope that this is not the time to deal with anything other than their own desire to make right their world. If this is so, then I feel that they can make the transition back to autonomy and sovereignty as swiftly and painlessly as possible. The rest of the world is watching with great hope.  Britain’s victory and independence is ours vicariously, and we know that there must be a moment in time coming for the rest of us when we can reclaim our freedom and dignity through right action and calm, clear reasoning if the U.K. can make it so.   Those who are not feeling that this is right are most likely feeling differently because they are either afraid or they stand to lose their perceived edge. 

As much as I am tempted to try to make a prediction on what is to come, I am resisting the urge.  I hope to see this wonderful opportunity unfold in the best possible way, and I pray that what the British have managed to accomplish will give the rest of the world the incentive to hope for a better future than we have been shown for some time now, and bring us back to a world that we can live in without tyranny and brutality and unconcern for those who only want to live their lives with dignity and peace.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Reality of The Damned

My sister is dying.  She has chosen to spend the remainder of her time on earth to blame, bully, and emotionally destroy anyone whom she perceives to still have a future and be capable of happiness. This is not really new behavior for her.  She has always been an extremely jealous and petty bully of a person, but one always hopes (at least I do) that a person faced with the inevitability of their own mortality will awaken to the truths in life that can encourage us to make our peace with what our life has been and possibly set right those things that they can before it is too late.  My sister is not one of those people.

I actually have witnessed this kind of behavior before in an employer of mine who was dying of cancer some years ago.  Once the diagnosis was made, he fought his battle with chemotherapy, false bravado, and abusive language and behavior to anyone who got close enough to get bullied.  It was not like that with everyone, though.  Many people who really did not mean anything to him were treated with a philosophical demeanor and a calm assurance that he trusted in god to know what was best. 

Forget what you have seen in films and read in books about people coming to terms with the end of life and doing their best to make amends where needed and make sure that everyone close to them knows that they are loved and cherished even until the end. 

We are experiencing the death of another sort in the world right now.  It is the death of kindness and community.  It is the death of close personal relationships which have been replaced by a virtual reality communication with others where we are not required to invest any more of ourselves in than the internet requires of us. It has absolved us of any responsibility toward another human being as far as acting on our best behavior to sustain the relationship/friendship.  Bullying and hatefulness have no consequences attached to them and we can blame everyone else on the planet for the multitude of problems that are plaguing us as a society.  There is no one to stop us from demanding our personal rights or pushing out the rights of others whom we disagree with.  This truly is the behavior of the dying, but it is the death of the world as we know it.  It is also the death of so many people who are innocent of the forces that brought it upon us. To assume that we can change it now is folly because there are not enough of us who care.

The coming election here in the U.S. has given us three choices (that is, until the final candidates are chosen).  We have one candidate that wants to see the world come back from all of the past mistakes of former administrations and share in the endeavor to make it a world that all can live with and benefit from.  There is another candidate who will make sure that all of the elements that went in to the destruction that we are now living with stay firmly in place so that the status quo can continue on its merry way making obscene amounts of money at the expense of the rest of us. And then there is the candidate who is mad as hell and sure that the solution is in their hands with more bullying and a fight to the death with any person or place who might believe differently.  It is a scenario for failure no matter who wins this election because the majority of Americans are not on the same page on any of the issues that are destroying us.  They are not even reading the same book!  Heaven help us.  We are much too far gone to come out of this.  It would require a unity of the people that no longer exists except in small pockets.  If you find yourself in one of those small pockets and wonder how in the world you can make any difference in the last days of human existence you can stop wondering.  You cannot do anything outside of yourself.  We are now in a position where it is too late for most people to turn back the clock and go back to the past.  You only have control of your own reactions now.  While the rest of the world is realizing that they are close to death they are fighting tooth and nail to make sure that others who dare try to make peace and work toward a future will fail.  Those who have not yet realized that there is an end to everything at some point are playing the fiddle while humanity burns, but understand that there is a great majority who do see the end coming and are hell bent on punishing everyone that they can for it.

If you are one of the few who still cares about life and having the best quality of life possible for yourself, your loved ones, and all people of good heart, you may be wondering why you should bother when you are in such a minority and the world seems doomed to die.  Truly, it is only feasible if you believe that you are here for a reason and that what you do now at this most critical time has a purpose.  For the past two years I have been writing this blog with the hope and prayer that anyone reading it will find their true self somewhere in these words and look to the truth of what they are to make right what may be wrong and in need of correction for  their own survival.  Those who are truly dying want you die along with them  and are making these times as difficult as possible for all so they will not feel so bad about their own demise if they can force you to experience it, too.  It is a bit like the fall of Pompeii.  Very few people survived the volcano erupting. So few were capable of receiving the call from the universe to flee. People now are not capable of hearing the call to remove themselves from the danger and hold on tightly to what they are and what they know to be the truth about their reason for being.  If you have not yet made your peace with what you are on earth for at this particular time and place there is still hope for you while humanity exists and you still draw breath.  It has come to the point where the old ways of thinking about reality and how to manage in this life will not work.  Unless you can call upon the universe to guide you now you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of navigating the turbulent waters.  I hope that you have learned how to listen to the higher source in the last two years of reading my blog.  If you still have not made that connection and are not able to hear the voice of creation on your own, know that if you are still coming here to read there is a way to make that universal connection and get where you need to be.  Please ask for help either through this venue or through another that you feel you can trust.  We are not dead until we are buried, and even though so many want you to ride to hell with them you do not have to follow them.  If others have wasted their life and are angry at you for it is their own downfall.  Whatever they take from you in their quest let them have it.  Nothing is worth the loss of the true you and what you were meant to have and be in this life. There are still people left who care and can help.