If you have read this blog with any consistency over the past decade you are pretty much aware of my opinions on politics and politicians. It is rare for me to approve of and support any of them. The one exception to that has always been Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. I have always tried not to be an “I love Bernie” gusher about it and a Democratic Socialist flag waver. No one is perfect, but it is true that Bernie speaks the language of the most disenfranchised of Americans who have few voices that speak for them with any consistency. It has taken a lot to bring me to the point where I must speak out with a different tune, but…today is the day.
I saw Bernie make a speech today regarding “Solar Power for
All”. I was with him for the first few minutes, and then he began talking about
the cost of going solar, and my own Virgo jumped out from behind Leo and Pisces
and had to abandon ship from the Bernie bandwagon. As much as it pains me to go
here, it must be done. For the good of the struggling homeowners in America and
the good of the average struggling citizen who couldn’t take on another debt if
they had to, begging to differ with Bernie today is totally unavoidable.
Before I get into the specifics of my dissent here, let me
tell you how I see the situation regarding climate change. I never have been
and never will be a climate change denier. I realize that there is much to be
done in this country to try to undo all the damage that humans have done that
brought us to the dire situation that we are now in. Virtually all of us are guilty in one way or
another when it comes to not being responsible citizens in taking care of our world,
but the biggest slackers in this country when it comes to chronic and repeat
offenders of destroying the planet are corporations. These are the ones who
pollute the water, squander resources, produce products that are not recyclable
or biodegradable, manufacture gigantic gas guzzling automobiles, and feel
completely unaccountable regarding a change in behavior that might turn many of
our problems around. Climate change fault is always thrown back at the average
citizen to be dealt with while corporate capitalists pay a bit of lip service to
fixing the problems. With all that said, I will now get to the issue that I
have with Bernie’s plan to achieve solar power for all.
As far as installing solar panels on our homes, that would be a good thing if it were possible, but it isn’t. Why it isn’t has to do with two things. The first is the cost of doing it. He said that it would cost between 10 and 20 thousand dollars. Most of us couldn’t cough up 10 percent of that now. We can barely keep a roof over our heads and pay for food and other necessities if at all. He said that there would be grants and loans to cover the cost. I think few of us would qualify for a grant, even a partial one. Getting a loan which would add another burden to our cash strapped existence would only make things worse for us, and the piece de resistance of the entire plan was to tell us that it would save us from $50 - $100 per month on our electric bills. HA! My electric bill is around $300 per month! And I don’t even have electric heat! That isn’t a drop in the bucket when you consider that I would be saddled with another bill to pay for the loan that solar panel installation would cost. The payment would most likely be much more than the savings on my electric bill. It cannot be done, Bernie. No way in heaven or hell. I agree that we are darn near beyond being able to combat the effects of climate change, but this proposed solution is not a solution for the majority of Americans now. The skyrocketing cost of just basic living has made putting anything else on our financial plate a complete impossibility. Even if the government gave us another Covid relief check of $1,200 per person it would not cover it, even for a family of ten!
I, like most people, cannot proffer a blanket solution for the climate change crisis, but if I had to come up with something to help the situation, I would strongly suggest two things. First, stop manufacturing products with single use plastics. Second, stop manufacturing large vehicles and stop buying them. Many families where I live have three or more trucks and SUV’s. Yes, some people will throw tantrums about it but they will throw even bigger tantrums when they cannot buy gasoline for them and find that they cannot tolerate the unbearable summer heat and the desperately cold winters to come. The first step in changing a bad situation must be calling a halt to the behavior that put you there in the first place and these two issues are monumentally guilt-ridden activities. There are drawbacks to going solar in our homes that tend to be glossed over much of the time and one of the biggest is the availability of sunlight on a daily basis. This could be an extreme problem in some parts of the US during the winter months. Heaven help us, Bernie, dependency upon solar energy is very risky when you could find yourself without power during severe weather. Solar energy sounds like a god send on the face of it, but truly what would help right now is to require responsible behavior from those who have acted completely irresponsible for a very long time. When the citizens of this country find themselves in a position that affords them some financial breathing room you might find us deciding that we are able to convert to solar energy on our own, but right now, there is no way. Those who have been the worst offenders in creating climate change are always putting the guilt and burden for fixing the problem on the average citizens, and everyone who loves the corporate fascists is complicit in pointing the finger and passing the buck, although it isn’t a literal buck because they aren’t about to give us any more money to live on.
I still love you, Bernie, and appreciate and admire your
efforts for the people, but the ability to just keep ourselves alive is the highest-level
priority that exists now. Without that, we could have solar panels installed to
high heaven, but it would not matter if we are homeless and starving or dead.