Friday, October 31, 2014

Spook Louder

When you have made some notable progress into the world of the mystical, expect to see many changes in your environment as well as in your abilities.  One real possibility is that you will become aware of discarnate entities.  How this can manifest varies from person to person.  My mentor was able to see people who had passed into the afterlife in a real sense, as in, they appeared to him as real as if they were in the physical.  This is not typical of my experience. Although,  I do see beings who are no longer flesh and blood.  Not infrequently this happens at a time when I am least prepared to deal with it, such as when I have woken up briefly to turn over in bed.  This is never a good time to show up and try to tell me something, if indeed they want to speak.  Usually, they don’t.  Many times they do not seem to even be aware of my presence.  On the last occasion that this happened there were three of them right next to my bed, fighting.  If you have a cat you may notice that they are aware of a spirit’s presence as well.  I have never seen any of my friends or relatives who have passed on.  I am truly grateful for this, too, because I have a dreaded fear of this happening.  It is something I really wish that I could overcome but I have not, as yet.  When someone that I have loved does appear to me it is always in dreams or I just hear their voice (clairaudience).  Many times spirits only appear to me in my mind’s eye.  When I do have a true visual visitation, they appear transparent, much like those in the Disney film ”The Haunted Mansion”  I am speaking of the ones that Eddie Murphy encounters in the cemetery, not the ones who were in the house.  Mental visions of departed spirits have never frightened me but that is not always the case with the ones who appear in my room at night.  It doesn’t help that I am startled and have had no prior warning as I usually do with either a psychic alert or a scent or coldness in the air. There have been times when these spirits have been directly in front of my face, just staring at me.  Talk about a freak out moment!  It definitely is!  I’m guessing that this doesn’t happen often because I don’t handle it well.  Thank god for small favors!  I am also able to see “imprints” of past events in actual vision.  They are generally people in the place where they passed on.  I have seen people standing on the side of the road when I am driving and perceive that this is the place where they were killed.  I have also seen animals in the road who were killed by cars.  It is easy to confuse imprints with discarnate entities (ghosts) but this isn’t always the case.  This type of sight is useful when determining if a house or area is haunted.  A true haunting is different in that you most likely will be aware of sounds, smells, movement and voices if the place is truly haunted and the imprint is only showing you that an event took place here that was likely traumatic in nature and living people/animals passed on as a result.

Another new experience may be interference with electrical devices in your home.  My mentor used to call it “splintering” when stereos, televisions, and appliances go suddenly haywire for no apparent reason.  He said that my own ability to tap in to the energy that we use for our psychic ability is not in control for reasons of stress, etc.  This is unfocused energy and large amounts of it could obviously do some serious damage.  This is one reason why it is imperative that you know yourself and know what it is that you are working with.  There are people who are adept at using and manipulating electrical energy.  It is called psychokinesis.  I do not possess this ability but I have known people who do. Other forms of unfocused energy can appear as possible poltergeist activity.  Children who are psychic are notorious for producing this type of phenomena. 

Experiences like these are helpful when you begin to learn about reincarnation.  To have witnessed these things makes the realization that some form of life does go on even after we have discarded the physical body easier to accept and more plausible.   I will go into the realities of reincarnation and seeing and believing the truth of this in another post. 

Something that you will need to start paying greater attention now is your dreams.  You may already be doing this to some degree but you will certainly need to start paying more attention to them once you have some ability in other areas.  This is how much needed information is given to you, psychic or not. It is just going to step up it’s speaking voice once you are paying more attention to other forms of universal information.  More than 75% of my dreams, since I have been actively using my ability, have been direct information that helps me navigate in life.  Some things are more useful and informative than others are, but it is something that you truly must start paying more attention to because you are now a true conduit for the knowledge of the universe and not paying attention can get you into unexpected trouble or cause the universe to speak much louder and harsher to make you pay attention.  If you aren’t doing your dream homework, believe me, you won’t get away with it for long before you start making some serious screw-ups and start getting the needed information in ways that aren’t so subtle.  You are a liason between this world and the other one now, and your intelligence and ability are sorely needed.  The remaining 25% of your dream experiences may appear as what a friend of mine calls “paid program dreams”.  They make little sense and I suppose that they could possibly be just some trivial “junk mail” information.  You should pay attention to them, though, and learn to interpret them yourself.  The so-called “dream interpretation” books that are available are of little use.  They can sometimes help you understand universal-type symbols, but by and large your dreams are private messages for you and you alone, and you are the best person equipped to dissect them and determine their intelligence.  I will be writing at another time about the elements of dream interpretation.

Your life is changing and it can be a truly wonderful and fascinating ride.  Make use of any mentors who want to help you along the way.  Congratulations on making it this far.  Safe journey.

                         HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Your Life Path

For those of you who do not feel ready for the task of calculating a birth chart, but would still like to get a glimpse of the possibilities in your birth sign, there is a pretty good option for you out there if you are willing to do a bit of sleuthing in used book stores.  There is a book by Astrologer Jean Dixon (1904-1997) which was written in 1976 called Yesterday, Today and Forever.  Amazingly, it is still available at from some 3rd party book sellers for one penny plus shipping costs.  The book is divided into sections in each astrological sign based on the day that you were born reduced to a single digit number, such as; if you were born on the 25th day of the month you add the two numbers together to get 7 and that is your division in whatever sign you were born, as in, a February 25 birthday makes you a Pisces 7.   

Ms. Dixon was a world famous astrologer and psychic in her day and supposedly did astrology readings and predictions for Presidents and many other very famous people.  Not all of her predictions were accurate, but somehow she managed to get and keep a huge following of devotees even when she was completely inaccurate on many of her prophecies.  I grew up hearing adults talk about the fact that she predicted that this world would not stand until the year 2000.  So much for that Criswell, but I do respect her writings very much and in particular, her insights in this book.

Ms. Dixon was a practicing Roman Catholic and believed that there was nothing contradictory in combining her religious beliefs with her metaphysical beliefs.   Most psychics that I have known are not so accommodating to organized religion, but there are some who do not see a problem with a coexistence of the two.  Personally, I can see a need for both in the world but I do not usually find others who share that belief.  If only we could integrate on this level I think the world would be more balanced.  I won’t take a side here but I tend to find myself in the company of people who not only want to take a side they also want to destroy anyone who would dare have a different point of view.  In Ms. Dixon’s book you will not find anything to destroy your point of view if you believe in the Bible or you believe only what comes to you from spirit.  That is what I like so much about it. 

The premise of this book was based on a vision that Ms. Dixon had.  I won’t go in to the details of her vision but after having it she felt that it had revealed to her a correlation between the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 apostles of Jesus.  Her analysis of the lives of each of the apostles tells a story in each birth sign division that suggests a life path for whatever your sign is to events, difficulties and challenges that each apostle experienced in their life.  If you have the sun in Leo, your life path corresponds to the apostle John.  The sun in Capricorn, corresponds to the apostle Matthew, and the sun in Virgo corresponds to the apostle Philip, and so on.  Everyone that I have ever shown this book to has felt that their particular division synopsis fit them extremely accurately.  You do not need to have a background in religion or in Astrology to make use of the concepts promoted in this book. It is very easy to understand and integrate her views and suggestions for how to navigate in this life without going deeply into the philosophy of any particular belief system.

I am all for learning as much as possible about one’s particular reason for being on planet earth and an in-depth study of this is one of the greatest things that you can do for yourself, but not all of us are ready to hit the ground running with new concepts and possibilities. If that is where you happen to be at the moment; interested, but not necessarily ready to take a giant step, I don’t think that you could do better than Yesterday, Today, and Forever to look into the realm of what may be.  Bridging the gap between the Bible and the Akashic Records is an amazing thing to see, and Jean Dixon has managed to do it splendidly and expertly.  Bless her, wherever she is now.  

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Confronted With You

In the 1980’s film “The Neverending Story” the young warrior, Atreyu has to pass through the gates of “the Southern Oracle” to find the answer to why The Nothing is destroying the land of “Fantasia”.  The task of passing through is made more difficult by the fact that only a person who feels their true worth may pass without being killed.  Atreyu is very young and trying to find a solution to a problem that he does not fully understand.  The guardians of the gate realize he is lacking in self worth and open their eyes, shooting laser-like beams of light at him.  He has to run to escape the beams.  He does survive, but further down the road is another test of him.  This time he is confronted with the image of his true self.  The little scientist of “the Southern Oracle” warns that some men run away screaming at the sight of their true selves.  Many people have found that they are nothing like what they thought they were.  In the year 2014 it is very likely that we have been so brainwashed by media and current culture that we haven’t a clue what our true selves look like, either. I doubt that we would run away screaming at the sight of our true selves but it is very likely that our true selves might run screaming from the shock of what has been heaped upon us that has created a false sense of what we were meant to be. Fortunately for Atreyu, seeing his true self was only the vision of a human child. It was a vision that he truly did not understand but he did not stop to question it very long.  He knew what his mission was and stayed with it.  Seeing what you were meant to be it is very much like coming home to a visual reality that you will most likely feel as a truth that you knew all along.

If you are already familiar with what is in your birth chart you know what strengths and weaknesses you came in to the world with.  Many children acquire their sense of self from their parents, especially if their parents are successful people.  It is many times taken as a given that children will follow in their parents footsteps.  Sometimes this works but often times when the child has made it to maturity they find that they have never really had a chance to express what they truly are and are unable to break free from a life that was molded for them.  So many people, especially the financially secure ones, feel that they have no right to question the circumstances that they have found themselves in and will continue to maintain a life that is making them miserable in order to be accepted and acceptable and keep their financial status.  This is a hollow existence and it usually requires that they maintain a steady diet of stimulants and distractions whenever possible to keep themselves from delving too deeply into their real feelings for fear that their true self will show them a picture of what they really are.

Once you have made it to adulthood it is easy to think that your path has been set and there is nothing that you can do about it.  I would never tell you that discovering your true self won’t be a challenge.  It absolutely will be, and it can take much time and soul searching to integrate what you really are in to what you have already made of yourself, but it is the only way to become what you were meant to be and be able to release yourself from the prison that you have found yourself in once you do make that realization that you are not living as your soul requires now that you are an adult.  These issues can be played with while you are relatively young but by the time you make it to your late twenties you will most likely look around and notice that you haven’t managed to create the happy and fulfilled life that you expected to.  As I wrote in my post, ”He Was Born In The Summer Of His 27th Year.” life will probably have sent you a wake up call already, but if you are slow to recognize the calling of the universe, you can be the cause of a great many problems for yourself and the people around you.  Every life that is not in harmony and balance with it’s true purpose for being here will influence everyone that they come in contact with.  Our political system is over-run with lives that have no real success in governing themselves and they in turn are trying to control others to suit their personal desires.  These desires can never be met by pushing their agenda on others.  No one will ever be able to do it right for them because they are not capable of knowing what is right.  I am seeing this more and more among the representatives here in America. It is not enough for them to make right their own lives. They want to change the culture to suit their current whim.  And their current whim seems to be pushing others into a convenient box and holding them there so they cannot proffer a dissenting opinion as to what is right. If you have been paying any attention to the news in the past few years you have seen that the status quo has no idea what is right for the majority of us and while we were sleeping they managed to gain a tremendous amount of control over what we can and cannot do.  Think of Occupy Wall Street and the recent problems in Ferguson, Missouri.  These people made a gallant effort to right a perceived wrong in this country but ultimately they had to pack up and go home in defeat because the mentality of forced control over others was quietly put into place as we were occupied with ourselves.  Everything from the freedom to walk down the street without harassment to the freedom to buy and use birth control is trying to be legislated and enforced by people who have no real right or authority to do so.  None of us will be able to effectively fight against this kind of dictatorship unless we have the facts on ourselves and how we can use who we truly are to make a difference. 

Near the end of film, “The Neverending Story”, Atreyu goes to the Empress of Fantasia and tells her that he has failed in his quest to save their land, but the Empress just smiles and tells him that he didn’t fail.  What he was meant to do all along was make contact with a human child who would be the one who actually saves their world. To save our world will require more than having contact with one human child.  It will take many of them and a lot of work to rebuild what has been destroyed, but the hope for us is that you will realize that you are important and you have a part in the neverending story of human life on planet earth. It starts with you recognizing your own worth and who you truly are.  From there, you can discover what makes you unique to the world and what part you may play in making the absolute best of yourself and the world that you live in.  Do not believe that you are just one little life and not significant in the larger scheme of things.  There are some very grand thinking people in the world right now who consider themselves to be quite fancy and important, but their contributions to the world that they are trying to control are proving to be what is ultimately going to be our destruction.  You are Atreyu, and you are holding the essence of what is in you to make your life what it was meant to be.  When you have accomplished that quest you will find that you have a place of great importance where ever you are.  It may look simple, it may even look impossible sometimes, but it is more likely that you can build a better world than some of those who appear quite elegant have been able to do.  The Southern Oracle may not be able to strike them down in their arrogance but a true person who knows their true worth has a much better chance at destroying the Nothing that others have created in their selfishness.  It may appear that you were sent out with no weapons but the real weapons that you have against our Nothing is your refusal to cooperate with the destroyers, and your conviction in yourself as a warrior.  Knowing that you were put here for a reason will keep you searching for the one thing that you can do better than anyone else on the planet.  No one in Fantasia understood why Atreyu was the only one who could find the answer to why their world was dying. He was laughed at for being a child but he was truly the only one capable of saving their world because it was his quest that was going to save them.  Who are you, who am I, who is anyone to say that they are not the one who can make all the difference?  It is hard to believe that one person can be so important but truly it only takes one person who knows their worth and knows their true mission for being here that can be the “bringer of miracles”.  If Steve Jobs hadn’t believed in himself, you and I would not be in communication right now.  Think on what you know to be truly you this week.  It has a place in the larger scheme of things even if you do not recognize that place at the moment.  Accept the quest that has been given to you.  It has a value that you may never realize unless you believe that such a thing is possible.  Others may tell you that you are insignificant, but that is only because they are afraid of your worth being so much more than theirs.  The fear is in not knowing their own true self but wishing to gain a false sense of worth through intimidation.  

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Doing Away With The Extraneous

Elton John recorded a song in the 1990’s called “Simple Life”.  It is a beautiful song that speaks to the way so many people feel even 22 years later.  He sings about wanting to get back to the simple life and the feeling that he cannot escape certain things that life has given him.  He speaks of “horoscopes and fate” as if there is really not anything that he can do to get away from what life has presented him with.  Don’t you believe it!  It is true that you were born with certain traits and abilities that are unique to you.  These traits are there to help define you but they are also in the form of challenges that you must overcome.  A person born with the sun sign Taurus has the propensity to be a very stubborn person but this is a challenge to them to know when stubbornness is useful and when it is not.

A simple life is one that meets your needs but in ways that have rejected or done away with the illusions and chaos that we many times create for ourselves which we do not realize will enslave us and prevent us from having the peace that our souls crave.  It is an incredible illusion to look at the lives of the rich and famous and believe that we will be happy if we can just have a life like theirs which appears to be wonderful and glowing.  They seem to be loved and adored for just existing, but do not be deceived.  Many of them work very hard for long hours and are virtual slaves to their masters who promote them and provide them with a vehicle for success at a very high price to them as human beings.

I never talk to anyone anymore who can say that they are happy.  You might look at Kim Kardashian and think that she is. She, and a few others like her, actually do make a living by doing nothing but attention seeking.  Prior to the current glory of Ms. Kardashian there was Paris Hilton.  Fame for nothing seems to be what most people (Americans, for sure) consider to be the ideal existence.    

 I see a culture that is tired of working for something that they do not benefit from except for with a paycheck, which most of the time will only cover the basic necessities of life, if that.  There are those who may enjoy the work that they do but they are so tired of the demands of the company they work for and the attention demands of their co-workers that they dread getting out of bed in the morning to face another 8 hours of it.  Our culture has become such an expensive place to navigate that crime and identity theft are the preferred ways of some people to manage a roof over their head and something to eat.  If you live in a country where it is not like this, you should thank God and your lucky stars.  And please tell me where you are so I can move there.

I don’t think that the generation before us could have foreseen what we are experiencing now.  They are, in part, responsible for how things are but it is a fact that we took the ball and ran with it when it was handed to us on an electronic platter. What you will find outside of yourself in the world now is not likely to make you feel good about yourself at all unless you are extremely fortunate.  If you can manage to never stop shopping or getting compliments from others or dining in restaurants or getting laid or being on the web you might have the formula for feeling the illusion of love and comfort. But if you have any sense of yourself at all you know that this is the shallowest and most hollow of existences and you will not be able to manage a steady diet of it for very long. The information age is a wonderful thing and it has allowed people like me and many others to have a voice in the world that we could never have had otherwise, but while most of us are using it to make life easier and less isolated we have actually made some things much more difficult and have given a forum to corrupters and the selfish which they are using to destroy much of what was good.  You are a human and humans are here to do more than continuously indulge in self interest.

The problem that I see with people like Kim Kardashian is that there are so many who aspire to be like her.  As long as this is what we value as a society she is going to benefit from a great life at our expense.  We will go to bed each night feeling empty and wanting.  She will have the things that we want while we indulge her.  The only way that you would recognize the illusion celebrity is feeding on from you is if you saw a video of her gorging on the things that you can only want and you could see her getting more and more obese on it.  It is so interesting that our culture hates the sight of overweight people.  This mentality goes back to the time when only monarchs and the affluent had enough food to gain any excess weight.  Those who had to do all of the work so the elite  could live high on the fruits of other’s labors is still stuck in our psyches as a left over in the collective unconscious.   We look at the people who are overweight and feel disgust for their perceived gluttony, but the real gorgers in current culture have managed to pull the wool over our eyes by staying as thin as possible to present a glowing portrait of themselves as the thing that we should aspire to and hiding the fact that their beauty and beautiful lifestyle is only there at the expense of you and your willingness to hand over your time and money and adoration to them for doing absolutely nothing of any real value.  This used to be the lot of the ruling class.  These people rule nothing, but you are willing to adore them because somewhere in you, you believe that this is the way life should be.  Congratulations for giving these people permission to be the self indulgent greedy bastards that they will always be if you don’t take back your power from them. 

Political power, which could actually make a difference in this world has become nothing more than narcissism and the desire to control others. Not to mention that it has become so expensive to run for political office that people with any real virtue are prevented from even trying.  So many of our political representatives are affluent enough to have absolutely no clue about the lives of those they seek to govern. They do not represent us, they represent themselves.

If this scenario is disturbing to you it is a shame that you aren’t taking a hard look at how much you are supporting it.  There are numerous celebrities who have tried to speak out against injustice and inequality but many times they find that in doing so they take a career hit and have to back off or lose their status.  It is actually the people without notoriety who need to be working in support of what they try to accomplish.  Their voice will be heard before ours will but we have to make a difference at the grass roots level in order to accomplish any real change, and doing this requires us to know our true selves first and foremost.  It would be nice if a Wonder Woman or a Superman or a Robin Hood would step out and save us.  I speak of the legend of Robin Hood here, as I knew a fellow once who lived in the area of Nottingham and Sherwood Forrest in England and he told me that the story of Robin Hood’s exploits and altruism were grossly over rated and glamorized.  Still, if it were possible to have a hero emerge in this culture with the “legendary” traits of one who cares about his fellow citizens enough to make the effort to change the distribution of wealth  and fight injustice in the world it would be extremely helpful.  When people with a true voice in the media speak out, how many of us speak with them in our daily life?  I realize that we live in a culture now where many people want to trash us for being different in any way that goes against what they believe.  I have many friends who have deleted their profiles from Facebook because of the deliberate attacks on them for just having a dissenting opinion.  People who know themselves and are comfortable in their own skins are not going to behave like this.  Comedian Katt Williams said in one of his stand-up acts, “If you a real mutherf**ker they hate you with everything that they got.  They can’t stand it.”  It is only the people who need constant approval and have no real self worth who go on the attack and cannot stand to be wrong or contradicted.  If that quote was offensive to you I apologize but sometimes only the down and dirty truth can express the reality.  Katt knows that well, as do many other comedians.  And I don’t work for Sesame Street.

If we are ever going to get back to the simple life that Elton John sang about we will have to look back to our past and find the “Wonder Woman” or “Superman” who exist in our individual selves.  Using the great gifts that we were born with can make a world where the terrible greed and abuses of power cannot get a stranglehold on us again.  We have been lax and fearful of standing up to what has happened to us; each one of us for our own individual reasons.  Not everyone has it in them to be a world-beater but all of us have the ability to show others what a true to our self person looks like.  This kind of realism can be seen and felt by everyone that you come in contact with.  Some people may not like it, as Katt Williams said, but you weren’t put here to meet with their approval.  It is nice if it happens but constantly seeking that is a hunger that can never be truly satisfied.  I think that Kim Kardashian and others like her are proof of it.  The true you is the only one who can make any real changes in our world.  We have to stop waiting for someone else to do it first.    

The enemy for all of us is whatever keeps us from being what we were meant to be. You will never be truly happy with the you that others have created for you.  Who you are with their impositions on top was molded for their comfort and convenience, not for any other reason.   In the 1980’s film “Willow”, the High Aldwin challenges three would be wizards to tell him which of his fingers has the power to control the universe.  None of them pick the right finger because, as he tells Willow later, the real power is in one’s own finger.  It is our own power that we gave to politicians and narcissists that they take and in turn use against us for their own gain, even if they have given us the illusion that they want it to act on our behalf.  You will never know which power you gave to them if you don’t know what kind you have.  The only way to identify it is to get back to your original self and learn what powers and abilities you came here with.  You will be stabbing around blindly in the dark until you find the true reality within yourself that lies at the bottom of what has been told to you to gain control over you. That simple life that Elton John spoke about in his song will come to you as a result of deleting all that is not what you truly are.  The power is in your own finger and in a life that has rejected the lies and deceit of others who only want to use us to gain a false sense of superiority.  And if we wait until we are taking our last breath we have waited too late for ourselves and for those who are depending upon us to make this a world worth living in.