Saturday, August 29, 2015

Elephants or Escape from New York?

In elephant society the females and all offspring live together while male elephants are not allowed into the herd except during mating season.  The male elephants are so violent and aggressive that they are forced from the herds when they become adolescents as they are no longer capable of living in peace and harmony with the rest.  I don’t like to think about it very much, but I find myself reading news stories of murder and domestic violence every day now, with most of the violence being committed by men.  I have friends who are male that are as appalled as I am at the level of cruelty that is being visited upon the human race by a larger and larger proportion of men at a level that is staggering to comprehend now.  You can blame it on guns if you like, but guns are only a tool being used by a population that is terrified of not holding all of the cards in the game.  They are a convenient tool because it doesn’t require the user to do anything more than point and shoot like a camera. Physical contact with the chosen victim is not necessary and not wanted by someone who prefers to think of others as only here by some mistake of creation. The use of violence is an individual choice that is made by every man on earth to either live and work in harmony with all the other inhabitants of this planet or do his best to bully and punish anyone whom he disagrees with. This is not a culture that can sustain itself for very long with this type of mentality running rampant.

I do believe that the violence that men are using as a solution for all of their frustrations could be greatly influenced into another direction with the help of Hollywood and all of the media producers in film and television.  A steady diet of viewed violence and the depiction of men solving their problems and grievances with a gun or a fist has been a highly contributing factor to the situation that we now find ourselves in.  If they can push the mentality toward this, they are capable of pushing it the opposite direction.

I realize that the bottom line with all film and television producers is money.  Violent film and television is a proven cash cow and it would seem that it never occurs to anyone that they might already have enough money to manage their lifestyles if they were to set aside profits for a time to contribute something to the improvement  of their world.

Anger and frustration about the problems in the world are not unique reactions to the male gender. It is how they, specifically, are choosing to react to social and economic issues that are creating a climate where there can be no solutions to the problems. People are not being taught how they might address the imbalance in our world without lashing out at others, trash talking on the internet, bullying and killing.  They are not being taught because it does not support the competitive entitlement and superiority ideal that society tells males they should have.  It is the outcome of a society that allows and encourages some to accumulate more than they could ever need in a lifetime at the expense of those whom they deem to be of lesser intelligence or importance, but first, they must set up the hierarchy to determine who has the lesser intelligence and who is less important.  In this society, it is anyone who has a differing opinion.

In the 1978 film Superman:The Movie, a problem of extreme violence on the part of just three criminals forces the planet of Krypton to exile them completely from society into the Phantom Zone.  If only we had the technology and capability to remove those of this Earth who refuse, for whatever their perceived reasons may be, to allow us to live in a harmonious way.  The story of Superman is one that I intend to write about in a future post as there are many parallels and lessons that are relevant to the human existence in it.

The 1980 John Carpenter film, Escape from New York, depicted a society so violent and bent on promoting a world so extremely hostile to peaceful existence that all those who would not live in balance with society had to be exiled to a walled, city-wide prison facility on Manhattan Island, and left to manage in the world that they created themselves. Without some sort of campaign to address and redirect a population overrun with anti-social and borderline personalities who have made it impossible for us to do our jobs, or go shopping or even go to a movie theatre safely, we are living in a situation that cannot possibly be sustained for long.  It is no longer a problem of a “bad neighborhood” or a few thugs on the fringes of society.  We are not safe ANYWHERE, and to those who make the violent films that have inspired a generation of violent males, it should be painfully obvious even to you that if your films are encouraging our current state of a murder every day by a disgruntled male, you will not be able to maintain your source of revenue much longer if no one can go to the movie theatre to see your films without fear of being assassinated.

The illusions of a society that can continue to sustain a false belief that some of us are superior and entitled to more than any other inhabitant because of our gender, color, geographical location, financial fortune, physical strength, or an ego the size of Chicago is becoming the death of us all when we cannot predict with any accuracy who will be the next person to see a perceived wrong or injustice and take it upon themselves to rid the planet of those whom they deem at fault, because of an inflated sense of self and entitlement.  We don’t have a Superman from another world who has the knowledge of a more advanced civilization to guide him through the true wrongs in the world and use his superior ability to make things right.  Because of this, we are at the mercy of our own ability to discover the trueness of what we were given on a soul level at birth, and gauge by the experiences that we were sent here to have, what we, as individuals can contribute to the world we were sent here to shepherd over.  I fear that precious few of us will set aside our egos and money making and schmoozing long enough to discover, as Jonathan Kent told his son Clark – “You are here for a reason”.  That reason is not to corrupt and create a planet that will soon be unfit to live on.  Look around you, and watch the news today.  Is this truly what you want your life to be like?  Do you want to spend the rest of the time that you are allotted as a human being in anger and fear?  Without a serious wake-up call here, we cannot expect things to ever change except to become even worse. Some species and societies have said “enough is enough!” and taken steps to create a better balance.  They may not be ideal steps but when something has to be done we don’t always have the luxury of a comfortable solution.  Will we take a lesson from elephants and exile all of the males away from everyone except other males?  Will we advance in technology to an ability where we can send the problem offenders to a prison from which they cannot escape?  This was actually done in centuries past in a round-about-way.  Britain sent habitual criminals and undesirables to the continent of Australia and left them to make what they could out of a virtual wilderness and their own ability to create something from it.  People were also sent here to America as indentured slaves to be rid of their criminal behavior.  Short of doing something like that, our only option is to promote a better way of thinking about our world and each other, or we have no future except one where we destroy ourselves.  We are dependent upon each other to make the decision that we no longer want to live like this. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Life Elements

Most people on this planet will have a life span of several decades to make the most of what they were sent here with. There are many who have precious little time at all here and there can be many reasons for that.  Each life that is seemingly cut short before they can experience much is a sad thing, but we as humans cannot know the logic and wisdom behind this without an extensive knowledge of what is behind the very nature of existence itself.  I can only speak here about the lives that are given ample time to utilize all of the elements that are available to them in the span of an life that can possibly last 50-plus years.  It is these individuals, who have much to experience and much to learn based largely upon the past lives that they have had that can assume they are here to work out a challenging life plan.  Sorting out the soul’s life-given projects is a life long journey and there are a precious few who will even take on the task, as there are so many other issues that we are hit with as we evolve.  If you are one of those people that realizes that it is a path you are called to walk upon, you should always begin your journey with a look at what the universe sent you here with to help you, and know that a large portion of what lies along that path is a multitude of relationships with others. 

The zodiac is comprised of 12 signs.  Each sign is governed by an element of either air, fire, water or earth, with three such signs in each category.  The signs governed by air are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.  I know, Aquarius is the sign of the water bearer.  My Virgo logic rises every time that I think about that fact, but…I didn’t make the rules. It is a fact whether I would have set it up that way or not. 

The fire signs are; Aries, (Go ahead and say it!  Shouldn’t it be air for Aries?  Here again, Virgo would have done it differently.) Leo, and Sagittarius.  Water signs are Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.   Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.  Once we determine our ruling element we can then look at how these elements work in nature and get an intelligent look at how that nature can cause us to react to many situations and what we are likely to be seeking for ourselves throughout our lifetimes.

Just as in nature, you will most likely find that air seeks…not very much outside of freedom, attention, and an unencumbered existence.  They tend to be at home anywhere and aren’t usually seeking a stopping place.  Personal relationships with these signs are sure to be a severe disappointment to people who are more security oriented and seeking something lasting and permanent. 

Fire signs are, as in nature, quick to ignite and burn brightly when they are in a situation where they can lead or show their special talents or achievements.  Many presidents have been born in the fire element.  These people usually know within themselves at an early age that they were meant to be innovators in one way or another or shine like the sun in whatever they seek to do in fulfillment of their lives.

Water signs are fluid and adaptable as is water in whatever state it finds itself in.  These people are the emotional heart in the zodiac, and they will be the first to recognize feeling and emotion.  They must love and nurture, and to be denied this expression will produce angry and selfish people who will never find a place for their soul to rest. This is unfortunate because water always seeks a home and a place to saturate others with peace.  Without that, think of water in the form of a typhoon, or a geyser, or a tidal wave.  They cannot be contained.

Earth signs tend to be “down to earth” as they say, with their feet on the ground, responsible, no-nonsense and plain speaking.  They seek to keep the peace and assure that there is a logic and an order to their surroundings.  If they are unable to promote this, they can be critical, bossy, and unreasonable.

A person’s astrological chart will show you the variables to each of these elements in the person as a whole.  Check the moon sign and the rising sign to uncover other elements that will shape and refine these traits, but there is always, at their core, that element that governs the Sun sign and it is usually only in people who have been abused and tightly disciplined where there may be severe warps in their personality.

In any relationships that you have, be mindful of where the other person is coming from with respect to their inborn nature.  I used to know a woman who explained the reason for her inability to have a relationship with a man that she deeply adored by saying, “He’s fire and I’m water, and I put out his fire.”  Never mind that she didn’t know one thing about astrology and she was wrong about the element of her own sign, which was Libra.  She thought that it was a humorous excuse to cover the fact that he truly was not interested in her, even though she ran a constant campaign to win him. Not a typical behavior for an Air sign, either. A look at her birth chart would most likely have revealed and ocean full of water signs there, but the main point of my mentioning this is to illustrate that she was incapable of cutting her losses and looking elsewhere for a relationship possibility because her Libra mind could not balance the fact that none of her feminine wiles could change the way this man viewed her.  Libra must stop in the wind long enough to balance the scales if they are tipped in a way that does not allow them to make the conquest and move on when it has been secured. 

All relationships require a responsibility not only to the truth of your own nature but also that of the other person.  So much heartache and misery can be avoided if one takes the time to understand what lies beneath a handsome smile and a pleasant demeanor. I have heard of people who now conduct an interview with a written questionnaire with prospective partners.  I think this is utterly absurd and anyone who would approach you with this type of lunacy should alert you to start running in the other direction…quickly!  But a preliminary check of the person’s birth date and an understanding of the elements present in them can save you a ton of grief down the road or even at the beginning of the street.  Take the time to go back to the person’s past (as in, the day they were born).  This is not an intrusion.  It is a place to learn where you might be headed if you take a walk with anyone in this life.  You do not have to sit down with an ephemeris and calculate their entire chart.  A simple look at their ruling element can tell you much about what their expectations of a friendship or partnership with you will likely  be, and based on what you know of yourself, you can make an intelligent assessment of whether or not you and this person can be complimentary to and for each other.  It is worth the small amount of time it will take to discover what their ruling element is like in nature.  It cannot give you the entire picture.  Only time and patience can do that, but it can tell you whether or not it is even worth pursuing.  Be sure that you know the element of your own sign before you start telling everyone why it did not work, if indeed it doesn’t, or you will be like my friend Rose, who could not fathom in her Libra brain why the Leo that she was pursuing wasn’t taking the bait.  It had to be his bait on the hook for her.  A look at his element would have kept her from having to balance a scale that had a brick on one side.