I rented a house once that
was owned by a Mortician. At that time I
was still getting my feet wet where other worldly things happen and I didn’t
really wonder if there might be some unusual phenomenon in a house owned by
someone connected with the dead, but as it turned out some events that took
place during the few years I lived there got my attention more than enough to
make it difficult to ignore the possibility of an afterlife.
I read that actor Nicholas
Cage bought a home in New Orleans some years ago that was purported to be super haunted. It is said that previous owners were a
wealthy physician and his wife who were horribly abusive to their slaves. The story that I read said that Nicholas
bought the house hoping to be inspired to write horror novels. I’m guessing that the inspiration was not
readily felt by him because I know of no books that were written by him as a
result. (It is possible that I just
don’t get around very much and haven’t seen any of them. If that is the case and he did write some great tales of terror I
would love to know the titles so I can read them. That is something that I
should research, I guess.) What I wouldn’t give to have spent a night or two in
that famous house! My experience with
haunting and spirit manifestation has always been in the course of just living
my life. None of the places where I have
felt or seen spirits have had any special notoriety or publicity. Nicholas was extremely lucky to have had the
opportunity to actually buy a bona fide haunt and I would love to hear what he
experienced during his stay there.
That we still celebrate
Halloween in this country is a wonderful thing.
I know that there are many people who would like to see an end to the
festivities. I also know that there are
some who use the cover of night and costumes to be just what they are in
everyday life – evil. It is a holiday
that has to a large degree been taken away from children and usurped by adults. I see no reason why everyone can’t celebrate
but I do feel sad when I see children being pushed aside so the grownups can
overtake it. Sadly, I no longer feel
safe opening my door to the costumed trick or treaters since my house was
broken into and vandalized a few years ago, but I still celebrate the day and love
the orange and black colors of the decorations.
In a perfect world we all
would understand that life goes on in a different form after death. No one wants to think too deeply on a time
when we will not be on this planet in a physical form. There are few ways to leave the physical body
that are pleasant. It is hard to be born
and hard to die, and the thought of leaving those that we love or them leaving
us is most times too terrible to want to contemplate. It is a fact of this life but it is not a
pleasant one and the common rituals for dealing with the earthly shell that is
left behind are terrible in themselves.
So what are we really celebrating on Halloween if we break it down? The reality of death and ghosts and taking on
a different personality with a costume (as in becoming a different person in
our next incarnation) is something that I’m sure few people even think about,
but the truth is that this is another fact of life that most people never
learn. As part of our celebration tonight
I have decided to try to contact the spirit of Klaus Nomi. Why do I even think that this is possible?
Why Klaus Nomi? And why would he
even choose to speak to me from the other side, if indeed he is even
there? He may be back in the flesh as
someone else now, but I’m guessing that I am one of the few people on this
planet who would even have the temerity to attempt a conversation with him
since so many people don’t believe that such a thing would be possible. I
believe it is possible because I have had contact with the departed
before. I want to speak with Klaus because he was someone who loved
dressing up and being an alter ego and entertaining others when he did. I also would like to know if his experience
in the afterlife has been better for him.
He lived a short, unique, and tragic life, and to hear what his truth is
now, I think would be helpful and beneficial to those of us who are still here
and struggling with who we are, what we are, and what it all means. One can never be sure if someone on the other
side will be willing to make contact with a person that they never knew in
life, but I am hopeful that my intent and true caring about them is known and
Halloween is a very good time
to take stock of what and why we are celebrating the departed. So much of the
meaning of death is feared and shrouded in horrifying rituals where we are put
into costumes and make up is applied to our lifeless faces only to make the
living feel less afraid of the inevitable.
A Halloween of sorts is practiced every day in this country and millions
of dollars are spent on giving the physical shell a send off that doesn’t
offend us. It is a fact that many thousands of people are
dying every day at the hand of others.
That this is happening at an alarming rate now and at the hands of
people who are likely in terror of the event so much themselves that their
warped psychology is spilling out in a desperate attempt to kill that part of
them that is so screwed up by proxy. It
doesn’t have to be this way. A trip back
to the past and the reason for our existence can be ventured at virtually no
cost. The reason for our being is not so
terrible as we might fear. If we forget
our reasons or never learned them in the first place we will be wearing a self
made costume and make up in the world that is extremely difficult to take
off. And it is one that we must keep re-creating to please others and keep us from being afraid of our true
selves. When you put on your costume tonight
to go out and play with your true reality keep in mind that Halloween is not
the only day of the year that you can get away with this. Most of us are doing it nearly every day of
our lives.
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