Shortly before President Bush left office, I had a dream about him. He was standing in a room in the White House with a very high ceiling looking at an enormous pile of dirty laundry. He was considering telling the American people about the laundry but he decided against it. We know what happened after that. Barack Obama took office and there was a rapid collapse when the housing bubble burst. I have wondered many times if things might have been different if President Bush had told the people how much trouble the country was in and had taken a stand to possibly prevent it or had used his power to change the course of where we were headed before he left office.
I fear that we have a similar and more catastrophic fate
ahead of us with President Biden. We hear
the reports every day that the pile of laundry that we have accumulated since
then is much larger and dirtier. It should be no shock when it all spills out,
but it won’t matter very much to just know that it is coming. A systematic
robbery of the people’s power in America has been hacked away at for many
decades and trying to rally the people to take a stand and make a difference is
almost futile. I have been writing this blog for the past eight years trying to
tell people that they need to take stock of who they are and what they could be
capable of if they could turn away from the brainwashing that is heaped upon
them every day by media, advertising, and well meaning (maybe) but ill informed
people. I fear sometimes that I will
always be preaching to the choir but I cannot stop trying as long as the need
is there.
I can’t help thinking that the people who report on these
dire issues every day and realize probably more than we do how critical what is
happening right now is might need to be speaking directly to President Biden
himself instead of making videos for the American people. I know that he has to
be aware of where we are as a nation but I doubt that he is listening to the
right people as far as how to solve the kind of problems that we have now. They
are an accumulation of problems that have occurred as a result of inaction on
old ones that no one wanted to admit were happening. People always prefer to
let the good times roll and hope that troubles will sort themselves out
eventually. If learned and pedigreed
people were to go to him with the unvarnished truth that we hear from them
every day with solid answers to what might still be done to make a difference
in the downward spiral that we will not be able to pull ourselves out of
without a massive effort on his part, such as what President Roosevelt did
during the depression, it would be much harder to ignore. A more effective
argument for action on President Biden’s part is many times more likely than
waiting for the people who are only half listened to by the government to make
a stand. The buck stops with the President once again, the people are much too
divided and distracted and fearful to make a difference now. January 6th showed us how inept and wrong
thinking people try to get a point across, and those who may be thinking more
intelligently are not necessarily equipped to do much better when they now fear
for their very survival.
Another perspective needs to go to the very top because just
speaking to the citizens will have a slow and uneven effect on those of us
sitting at home watching, and while we may be believing every word that they
say and we may be repeating those words to others it cannot reach enough people
or motivate them to a revolution as many hope that it will because we still
have enough to manage on (just barely) unlike the people in previous
revolutions who had nothing left to lose.
It seems that our government may not be visiting the room
full of dirty laundry as Bush did in the dream.
They appear to be as distracted and focused on their own aspirations and
grandeur as the majority of our people are, even though they are paid a much
better salary for a job that they keep forgetting to do. President Biden may know all about Socialism
and Marxism but I doubt that he ever finds himself in a room with several
experts in the fields who are making highly effective arguments every day for
how badly we need to take a look at the alternatives to a capitalist system
that does not have sense enough to come in the house and redirect the fallout
that has put this country in the outhouse. The ability to clean up the gigantic
pile of laundry that is sitting in front of them could still be done if you
call in the right kind of cleaning people.
There is a phrase on the internet that pops up occasionally that says,
“If capitalism is so great, why does socialism have to come and bail its ass
out every few years?” The cleaning people need to come now, with the expert
cleaning tips that I don’t think Mr. Biden realizes are so badly needed.
Without the intervention of alternative facts and advice that comes from
scholars who understand what Socialism has tried to teach us for more than 100
years we will fall back into the traps that were set for us in the previous
The time has come for direct contact at the top with the
people who are educated in economics and social structure who can show that
there is another way. I seriously doubt that the President ever hears the
critical information that YouTube watchers have daily access to from the top
minds in analysis regarding how and why our country is on the brink of
collapse. What he most likely hears daily is strictly geared toward saving the
current dying systems that perpetuate an imbalance which cannot be sustained
any longer without the destruction of the middle and lower classes and
democracy itself. There must be hope that even a President can be taught to
rethink the world that he lives in when the stakes are so high that if he loses
this hand, it truly will be Game Over.
A return to the past as in the conferences that President
Roosevelt had with Socialist and Communist leaders during the Great Depression
that turned in to a major wake up call for him is our only real hope. We must
believe that this is at least possible, and more importantly, those who have
the knowledge and the skill to convey their critical wisdom must believe in their
own ability to persuade and reshape the prevailing thought in our government in
the same way that they believe that the American citizens can comprehend their
message to us or they wouldn’t be pushing it toward us every single day.
I believe that it will take a attitude change on the part of
the promoters of alternative thought to get them past the notion that their
insight will only resonate with the average citizen. They can make speeches and
write books conveying a wealth of great information but unless these words are
heard by the people who actually have the power to change our situation it is
information that goes no further than the fan club who is already convinced but
lacks the ability to do any more than admire. The office of the President may seem
impenetrable on its surface but that is a façade created to intimidate by a
government that does not want to be bothered by anyone other than those with
whom it wishes to be bothered with. Academics stand a better chance of getting
a foot in the door than anyone else ever could. A former supervisor of mine
once told me “Always cover the boss’s ass.” But the asses of too many leaders
have been covered by people who live in fear of telling them that their asses
are now too exposed to find a blanket big enough to keep the ineptitude from
showing. That blanket is in the dirty laundry room at the White House and
cleaning the thing is going to require a new cleaning staff. Since no one will
let us in to do it, recognize that you, as educated experts, can do the job by
having the audacity to submit your resume and request an interview with the
boss. Your qualifications are far and away more likely to get your foot in the
door than anyone else can. You ask the people to believe in your wisdom every
day. Try to believe that the wisdom that you impart is important enough to
persuade at even the highest level. If
this administration fails, the next one will have no qualms whatsoever about
throwing us over the cliff. Whatever standing we might feel we could lose now
will matter not at all when the loss of our very foundation is gone.
This is all so true. I’ve personally gone from disappointed in this country to nervous about it to frightened OF it in the past six years. As you clearly define, these issues and problems have solutions and I applaud you for continuing to remind us all to keep up the fight. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYour comment is much appreciated. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a strong call to action! We as a society must embrace a more balanced way of things, or else we we will surely be consumed by the capitalists as they drain us to sustain themselves.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much.