I was in a grocery store some years ago and came down an aisle where a woman was kneeling on the floor looking at products and checking prices on some items that were on a bottom shelf. She talked to herself as she did this trying to select the best item. After a minute or so I heard her say in a voice a bit louder, “I shouldn’t buy his ass nothin’!” It was hard not to laugh. I know that feeling.
So much of what we are experiencing here in America, and most likely everywhere on the planet is the result of what we have had put upon us by wealthy capitalists. They are a minority of the populace but somehow they have managed to collect the majority of the wealth and power here. We have to stop supporting and doing the bidding for people who are continuously making our lives a living hell. We shouldn’t 'buy their asses nothin’' when they don’t give how they are treating us a second thought. Why have we been so complicit in allowing this to be so?
We have been conditioned to fear and admire in the same
breath the affluent among us, and the capitalists laid the foundation for that
before any of us who exist now were born. It is all that we have ever known,
and to raise hell about it now could lose us our jobs, our homes, and our
freedom. The political and corporate elites set up a system that favors and
benefits them. Sticking your neck out now could lose you everything. We know it
and we fear it every day of our lives. So, we keep the system that glorifies
them and keeps us down whether we like it or not. We are paying for the
treatment we get by continuing to buy their products and pay for their services
and work for them as employees. Untangling ourselves from their web is a
monumental task.
People have talked about and written about how unfair the
system is to us for centuries and some of us try to band together and rally
around stopping the support that we give to our tormentors but we are greatly
disorganized and divided on how it could and should be done. Much of the time
it has to do with the level of pain that it is causing us. It almost always
takes a tragedy and a lot of pain to realize that things must change. As long
as we can limp by and not feel too dreadful many of us are not likely to take a
step toward fixing our problems. We know that it cannot be done without some
sacrifice. Our pain is growing every day now but we aren’t used to seeing
ourselves as a family or a community that has strength in numbers so much
anymore as generations before us did. Priorities of elitism and the self have
turned us in to small islands of individual concerns and we would rather not
deal with our differences on a larger scale. This separation makes us weak. Too
many people want the same kind of power and autonomy that our abusers have and
in trying to establish a coalition there will be far too many of us who want to
be in charge.
My previous four posts were written to tell you how to know
the people who have the necessary inborn personality traits that can, when
combined with the best traits of others, create a chain of strengths that can
bring about great change if we stand firm and united in common goals. In order
to stand firm you need a mix of leaders, communicators, organizers, and
believers in the value of the human heart. Without these combined elements you
cannot hope to balance the lopsided and singular goals that tightfistedly
govern our world now. Not everyone wants to share this world. Too many prefer
slavery and exclusion because they can pretend to be kings and demigods if we
are complacent and our efforts are disjointed. Many of us will never feel
empowered without help. We are shunned and ridiculed because we don’t possess
the illusionary power of the extroverts, but why should we have it? It isn’t necessarily
why we were put here. If everyone was born with the same traits of the Fire
Signs our planet would have burned out centuries ago. The same can be said
about Water Signs who would not have had the ability to rise above the
emotional distress of being on a planet where we don’t understand the rules of nature
or why we are even here. We have to have diversity to balance our world as
individually we are incomplete beings incapable of making it alone. There is no
one leader who can change what has manifested. Our country was founded on the
ideal that one Monarch should not rule absolutely but those in power now are a
collective of believers in their own grandiosity. It was not meant to manifest
in this way but they operate as an exclusive and private club now that refuses
to see it any other way. Our two-party political system prevents us from making
sure that everyone is represented. Others will tell you, and have told you all
of your life that you have no worth other than what they assign to you but that
is a lie. In truth these people cannot make it without YOU. They have learned
to do one thing in this life which is make money out of your toil and labor and
willingness to support them lavishly. If they lose that they lose everything
and have no life skills that would keep them alive without you doing things for
them. Those in power actually do see the writing on the wall predicting their
demise but unless we believe it, too, they are still in a position to keep
their power over us by stacking the deck and lying about their twisted tactics.
We are an endangered species on an endangered planet and in the end if no one
answers for that, the major collapse will come as a result of the inaction of
those who could have picked us up on their way down. They are on a downward
trajectory and they know it, so the best thing to do in their view is to raise
their prices, produce less inventory and make out like bandits without doing as
much work, and pacify us with amusements and false hope. There may still be
hope for us but only if we recognize that we all have a part to play in the
revamping of the current system. We are at this point because not enough of us
have answered the pleas for help. So many people have been down for a very long
time and too many of us allow this because their loss looks like we have
gained. That is a monstrous illusion, but cracks in that veneer are being seen
today and instead of realizing that we are headed toward the bottom as well, we
pretend that it cannot happen here. It did and it has and it will continue to
do so.
Armed with the knowledge of our best selves we have all that
we need to change the course of the downward spiral we are in. Take the time to
remember what is already in you. The answers are revealed in that one endeavor
and are there for the taking. Find your potential in what you were born with
and join it with others who want to make a difference.