Sunday, May 14, 2023

What Will Save Us? Who Will Save Us?

When the truth is found to be lies. And all the joy within you dies.” - Somebody to Love by Jefferson Airplane

Whether you are willing to admit it or not this planet and its inhabitants are doomed. Nobody runs around incoherent and blabbering and blaming and fighting and stealing like people are now unless they believe that their bubble has burst and they cannot get it back without destroying whatever it was that did the bursting. And there are so many things that did it. How can we possibly stamp them all out?

 A truth teller now is a marked person. “You just shut up about what you think is wrong because I know that it is you who is wrong. The truth has come out and I don’t want to hear it. You are changing what I have believed in all of my life. You are killing my nirvana! I won’t accept it. I will destroy you. I cannot just die like this. I am unhappy. It is your fault that I am unhappy. I have an AR-15 and I will use it.”

They are angry at you, you lying liberal assholes! There is a target on your forehead and on your back. How dare you point out what got us here to this miserable state! So…what has set us against each other besides a difference of opinion? Theft of property. And who is doing the theft? Bottom line; a system of government that has sold its soul to keep its job. I hear all the time how capitalists and corporate fascist masters have set up a system where everything that they want can be bought, but who are they buying from? A government that has sold its soul to keep its job. So why are people shooting random people in the streets and in the marketplace and in the schools and churches and on, and on, and on, when these random people are not the ones who have burst your bubble? Because you are terrified of calling out and holding accountable the real perpetrators of the theft and misery. To do so would really topple your house of cards and the “I’ll get you anyway, peewee!” solution is always unpacked first because it is the easiest and isn’t likely to make us as uncomfortable as the possibility that we will have to build our house again from scratch if our pseudo monarchy falls.

Until we get it through our heads that we have lost and we cannot go back and fix it, we are not going to come through this black hole unscathed. It is inflicting pain to avoid pain and it will not work. We are nowhere near as repentant and apologetic as the little dog in the following video but what this dog has brought upon himself because he was troubled by Fluffy talking back is where we are about to be. Take a lesson. There is no hope without the realization that we might actually be totally wrong about our entitlement. Our sacred truths have been found to be lies. Have any joy left?

Have a nice day. It is at the expense of your own world.


  1. I feel like standing on a sidewalk and holding a sign which reads, “The End Is Nigh!”

    1. I would not advise it. but sometimes you just gotta gripe. Thanx for the comment.


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