Monday, January 12, 2015

To Say Nothing Of...

Mystics and anyone trying to live a truly spiritual and reality based life have a very difficult time with deception and dishonesty once that door has been opened. Life has a way of not letting you lie to yourself anymore and you find it intolerable in the extreme dealing with those who haven’t made the realization that it is a very liberating way to be.

We learn very early in life to be deceitful and try to keep our backsides out of the fire. It is taught to us by the very people who also tell us that we must always tell them the truth even though they most likely don’t tell it to us all the time. Even as a mystic you may not always know when you are being lied to. Ego and wishful thinking play a major role in your perceptions of others, but it becomes easier to spot when you have pulled away from relationships to do your inner work. And you will pull away because there is just no other way to find the real you without setting aside the wants and needs and issues of other people, for a time, anyway. You have to stop trying to please them and gain their approval because to get it you will always have to adjust your reality to make things comfortable for them. I cannot say that you won’t still be doing this to a degree if you work outside of your home, but recognize that this is only a facade that you must keep in that one situation. Know that once you have put in your eight hours a day, you are truly you, and try to think of it as the costume that you wear only because evolution of the soul has not made it to your workplace yet.

Once you have made some progress with getting to know who you truly are you may begin to test the waters again with friendships and relationships. When you do, expect to notice things about people that you may not have noticed before. Prepare to not like a lot of what you see. 

I hesitate to make comparisons here because certainly different people react differently to different things, but you might want to think on what some people who quit smoking are like toward people who still smoke.  They can be some of the most snotty and self-righteous people on the planet. This kind of behavior can also be seen in new vegans and vegetarians. Actually, anyone who makes a change in their life can fall into the trap of assuming the posture of almighty god when they feel pretty special about their new status. Please don’t let this happen to you. Just because you have come up a level in evolution does not mean that those you have left at the same place are suddenly not as good as you.  

On the other side of this coin is the possibility that those still operating on your previous level will feel that you are fair game for persecution. This happens frequently to people who become vegetarian. I think that deep down everyone knows that it is not a good thing to kill and consume animals. There was a time when eating meat was something that people had to do or starve but with the advent of grocery stores and automobiles to take you to those stores you have many options for eating that do not have to include the consumption of other living creatures. I am pretty sure that most meat eaters would be a lot less gung-ho about their lifestyle if they had to go out and hunt down an animal, kill it, and cut it to pieces every time that they wanted a steak or a cheeseburger. They would find that these creatures are not so different from them. They just want to live their lives in the best way possible. They think, feel love and pain and fear as we do. If you have ever had a pet you know that they want and need your care and protection and they will reward you for that with some unconditional love that you might never see in a human. Their presence on the earth was ordained by a higher power. So much of the respect for that fact has been lost but it isn’t too late to think on that truth. I know that there are some people who would be just fine with hunting for their food but I think that many more would not.

If you find yourself in the position of seemingly having no friends or people you can relate to anymore, take heart. This is necessary to weed out those people in your life who are damaging to your soul. There will most likely be many of them. Sometimes it will just be a simple matter of not socializing with them anymore but there will also be some that are tied to your life in ways that are not easy to extricate yourself from such as relatives and co-workers. Let’s hope that they are not the badgering and predator types. Some of them will snub you for being different. If this happens, let them go ahead and do it. Do not try to find out from them what has changed. You already know that it is you. These are actually the easiest ones to deal with unless they gather forces together to punish you for daring to live in a more peaceful and intelligent way. Calm and clarity terrifies many people. Know that they are running scared of being known as inadequate or incompetent. Some of these types will flee the scene but if they don’t and they start to harass you, it is you who must leave the scene and ask the universe for an answer to the problem. A confrontation will do no good and trying to confront them is a behavior of their mentality. You no longer need it because you don’t have a damn thing to prove. Your worth has already been established or you would still be floundering in self-doubt like they are. You have no need of that anymore so don’t engage in a battle of wits with the mentally unarmed ones who are loaded with stockpiles of insults and terrified reactions to hits on their fragile ego. 

By now it must sound like the mystic life is full of loneliness and epic battles to keep your head, but this is not the case unless you seek the support of others to justify your own being. You have already found out who you are and you are acceptable on the highest levels of being or the universe would not bother with you. If you only want to be loved and adored by people then you will never make it as a soul with the power to create a new world. You will never hear the answers to your needs if they must fit in to a mold of your own making. It gets tiring to wait for that perfect answer to why things are so damn difficult on this planet sometimes but that is only because all answers that you received before came from other people who may have made a few good judgments about how to navigate in the world, but remember that their  answers are just that, theirs. You are here for a different reason than they are. Believe it, because you would not be having these issues at all if you didn’t have a different path and a different way to walk on it.

To see the unseen and know the unknown are two of the highest levels of knowledge that we as humans can attain in this life. They are abilities that can make your reality one that surpasses all levels of misery that the human race tends to create for itself only because it knows not why it is even here. Ours is a big, scary and dangerous world with a predator on every corner now.  We cannot catch and incarcerate every person who makes life a living hell for all of us with their ignorance. Prisons are full to capacity right now. Many of the people there do not really deserve to be, but our justice system is not equipped to know beyond eye level and face value. Walking on the mystic path is the only way to cut through the great heaps of garbage that a desperately afraid society will create in the absence of being able to know the real truth. The path is not always an easy one but neither is the road to hell. It is peppered with land mines and pitfalls that we keep falling deeper into. Where you are now is a lonely place sometimes if you allow yourself to believe that your being different makes you less. The only reason that others want you to believe that is so they can continue in ignorant bliss with the illusion that they need not try to do better. Teaching by example is your best defense against the insanity. You will find that the input of others is not a necessity for you anymore. But until you get to that point, try to keep your cool with those who are incapable of anything better at the moment. If you find that you must be alone much of the time be glad that the internet, literature, and video games are available. And never forget that your best friend and advisor is the entire universe which is at your disposal 24/7.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog. It's like getting a pep talk from Gandalf. Great post!


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