Monday, January 5, 2015

"You Don’t Care, I Know."

Those lyrics from the song “Ventura Highway” by the rock group, America have always made me feel very sad every time that I hear them because I can relate in the extreme to having things to say to people and they really do not care one iota.  In fact, I can barely listen to the song because it makes me feel so depressed.  Other people that I have mentioned this to look at me like I am nuts for feeling that way.  Apparently, I am the only person in the world who feels an extreme tug at the heart when I hear it. I tend to hear a lot of things that others don’t so I don’t get too broken up about them not seeing what I do in it. What I do tend to get broken up about is knowing in advance when people are headed for a fall or are headed for, or already have an illness and I cannot do a damn thing about it.

When you first start receiving psychic input you want to save the world and all of humanity from misfortune and trouble.  You feel sure that if people just knew about impending trouble they would certainly want to avoid it at all cost. It is a hard lesson to learn that they really don’t want to know. The most distressing information that you can get is information about friends and loved ones. Because you care about them you tend to feel sure that they will want to know about problems that are real possibilities for them if they don’t do something to counteract it.  I have found that 90% of the time I will be met with a laugh or a scoff and sometimes downright anger and bullying when the people that I want to help are my own relatives. They would rather be ill and fall on their asses in trouble than acknowledge that I might know what I am talking about. Many other people just ignore what I tell them, but there are some who have treated me like I have offered them poison for daring to suggest that whatever is ailing them might have a simple and natural cure. It is tough to make yourself disciplined here because you will have to stand and watch people create terrible problems for themselves when you know how it could have been avoided, but it is one of those things that just goes with being the keeper of a higher knowledge, especially if the knowledge has been newly acquired. You are not allowed to be knowledgeable and different at any stage in adulthood because they believe that they already know you and have put you in a convenient category long ago.    

I know from personal experience that it is usually a pain in the ass to find out that you are doing things that are going to make you ill or cause you trouble, or possibly even kill you. I have been told so many things by the higher source that I really did not want to know.  It requires me to do something different and rethink where I’m going and what I have been doing. It also places all of the responsibility for what may happen squarely on me and that can be tough to take.

People are so used to handing their lives over to a physician who will make a bazillion dollars for an office call and a prescription and taking an educated guess at what might help you. My stepfather used to say that doctors really don’t even want you to come to their office. They would prefer that you just throw the money in the door and leave. 

Unsolicited enlightenment from you will most likely be met with fear and mistrust from many people that you would not expect to feel that way. This happens in a universal sense mainly to keep you from getting big-headed and “casting your pearls before swine”. But also, you are dealing with a different kind of society now. A society that assumes the position of a know-it-all because whatever people think they need to know is available on the internet. As the character Ian Malcolm said in the film “Jurassic Park”  (I am paraphrasing a bit) I’ll tell you the problem with the kind of power that you are using here. It didn’t require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step.  You didn’t earn the knowledge for yourself so you don’t take any responsibility for it. This is part of the problem that we are having with people now in the information age. And it is a problem that you, as a mystic, will find is a huge stumbling block to you as you try to impart the kind of knowledge to others that can only be attained with an incredible amount of self-discipline on your part,  and there will be a precious few people on the planet who will accept you and your wisdom. If you were to let this kind of mentality stop you there would no hope left for the planet. Since a higher intelligence is so badly needed now, you will most likely find yourself forging ahead and hoping for the best, but it can be as thankless a job as being a parent can sometimes be. You are shepherding souls to their rightful destination and most of the flock couldn’t care less about going there and they won’t be thrilled with you trying to be the Shepherd.
There should always be a bit of skepticism with everything that one hears unless they can sense that the information is true or it can be verified in some way. The knowledge that you are imparting is not something that they can find on Google. Try not to be thrown by the need of people to test your insights, this is natural, but be aware that their tests can sometimes come with downright hostility and meanness. We have people killing each other in arguments over some incredibly dumb things. Two men in Arkansas were discussing the pros and cons of a new water treatment plant scheduled to be built in their town and their difference of opinion escalated into one of them pulling out a gun and shooting the other. The same thing applies to road rage incidents. “I’m right and you are wrong.” Things like this used to just piss people off but now with heavy doses of narcissism in the mix we have superiority and illusions of grandeur and little tolerance for anyone with a differing opinion because there is no prerequisite discipline and study in the forefront. You do not have a paper diploma as a mystic, signed by the keepers of universal knowledge. There are those who will recognize on a soul level that they are hearing a truth but most of the world will not be able to relate for reasons of fear, ego, and jealousy. If you could prove to them that you studied with Merlin you might get a few more listeners, but since  you didn’t, most people are not going to be moved to action. Not even if they are people that you love. They all think that they know something already and who are you to waltz in and predict the future with no degree or credentials that they can understand? You may have friends and family who already believe that you are a prophet and will take your advice to heart but don’t count on it. I have tried to help my Mother numerous times with health issues that she has and I am invariably met with anger and sarcasm and a refusal to do anything that I tell her mainly because I am her child and in her mind I am what I always was before I could read, but it is also her ego that makes her reject me before she will reject some dumb ass who tells her that sleeping with a bar of Ivory soap will cure her of arthritis.  

The people who seek you out for readings will be there because they actually want to know how to navigate in life. But even here, be wary. Always look to the universe for guidance on who you may safely read for and what you can safely tell them. You will receive a lot of information about people around you but it does not necessarily follow that they have the capability to make good use of the information. Psychic information should strictly be considered “need to know” stuff. You cannot use your own top-of-the-head judgment here. Even if you are trying to help the ones you love the most, permission from spirit must be given first or you can find yourself in deep trouble. Always go to the universal source before you tell anyone anything. You can save yourself a lot of trouble and pain by staying out of the personal lives of people who do not want to think of you in any way other than as a fellow human like they are. Most of the population does not want to know anything other than what they can perceive with their own five senses or figure out on their own. Anything else requires more responsibility on their part and they really do not want and are probably not capable of handling any more. You cannot save the whole world. Only the universe knows for sure who can and cannot be saved or helped. Do not take it upon yourself to make these decisions even if it is  for your mother, father, sibling or best friend. Spirit is the only source capable of knowing how they will react to higher knowledge and whether or not they can benefit from the information.   

I have made huge mistakes in judgment with people that I thought I could help. If you are going to be effective in your quest to make this a better world your ego cannot be present in the calling. What you want and what you would like to do for others is (sadly) irrelevant in the mystic calling. There are times when you will be fortunate enough to find that your desires and ideals are not in opposition to those of the universe, but it is a tough call when they are. None of your knowledge ever goes to waste, though. If what you know cannot help everyone it is always of benefit to you to know it. That others may not care can be frustrating but they have their path the same as you do, and if their path makes frequent stops in hell you must assume that it is the only thing that has the potential to help them. Pain is sometimes a powerful teacher and if they cannot see themselves being a student in your class then you need to realize that whatever their fate is, it is the most right and just fate that they can have in the moment. We can always hope that they will care sometime.   

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