Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Friends in High Places

The last month of 2014 has been a real hoot in my house.  It is a good thing that Christmas was fun because I needed that to manage the assortment of not funs that have been hovering over my existence. 

The mystic path is one that teaches, if nothing else, all of the time.  A friend of mine told me that I seem to have graduated from Professor X to Jean Gray (X Men) recently.  Unintended telekinetics are running rampant around me and I find myself with a long list of “splintering” episodes to try to sort out now.  Wish me luck. In the third X Men movie Jean tore the hell out of her environment!

In the last two weeks, two light bulbs in my dining room blew, the lamp in the living room blew, the other lamp in there has been screwy for months, my nightlight in the bathroom blew, my portable fan blew, my new smartphone won’t hold a charge more than a few hours, and I broke a front tooth on Christmas Eve.  I do not have Obamacare and made a conscious choice not to kill myself financially to get it, so the tooth is going to be this way until the universe shows me some miracle of affordable health care.  I’m pretty sure that the U.S. government is not going to find Jesus and give us national healthcare like most other industrialized nations have.  People in other countries must look at us and think what a bunch of selfish morons we are for not caring whether our citizens live or die.  Diseased people are on the streets and dropping dead in emergency rooms all the time hoping that someone will give a damn. I know a man in Australia who has a great many health problems that, had he been a citizen of America when his health took a down turn, he would have been bankrupted in 30 days.  Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida said it best about what it’s like to be ill in America; “Don’t get sick.  If you do, die quickly.”  I feel extremely fortunate that I am capable of managing most all of my health issues with natural remedies and homeopathy, but broken teeth and severed limbs are not covered in my reference books.

There was a time when I would have freaked out to high heaven over breaking a front tooth.  Fortunately for me, I am not a person who smiles beamingly all the time with all teeth glowing.  Until the universe smiles on me with an answer I will most likely be keeping my mouth shut a lot and saving all rants for this blog.  I have been considering trying to get in touch with Sam Raimi and asking if he intends to make any more Evil Dead sequels.  I can afford to get myself a long, white wig and be a Deadite for the film.  I figure that I could possibly get my tooth fixed with the money I make acting.  Half a tooth looks pretty scary and I can scream and chase Bruce Campbell as well as anyone could, I’m sure.

I am not the only one who has had a fascinating time this month.  A friend of mine was stabbed twice in the back and his car was stolen a couple of weeks ago.  He was so fortunate to have survived the attack, but what really stinks about the incident is that he was just trying to be a good Samaritan to a young fellow who was panhandling outside of a convenience store.  I don’t know how well I would do at getting over something like that.  Probably not well at all.  But there are people who would be more devastated by the fact that they have broken a front tooth, or developed acne or gained weight.   It is a fact that I could break an arm or a leg and find sympathy from others for it but when one’s looks and vanity take a hit it is always fodder for jokes and no sympathy at all because how you look is always perceived to be your own fault. 

I will be using all of the mystic and psychic powers available to me going into the New Year because it isn’t only my public face and electronics that have taken a hit recently.  I am looking at a society that has fallen from grace and is fighting itself in ways that I never would have imagined a decade ago.  The problems on this planet are too many and too diverse for me to read and solve alone.  Even with the mystic powers of Merlin or Doctor Strange I am not capable of casting a blanket spell to fix us all.  The best I can do is focus on why I am splintering and gathering up new lessons and challenges right now. 

I always try to have positive thoughts and high hopes for the New Year. As a mystic, there is never a day that goes by when I don’t see something that I need to learn or address for a better and more productive life.  I knew a fellow once who told me that the mystic path is something that I should give up immediately because it just keeps you on a “fucking downer” all the time.  His point was understood but life on planet earth just is a “fucking downer” a lot of the time because people are so confused about the very idea of existence.  No mystical or magical or celebrity path will save you from that but knowing who you truly are, what you are, and what abilities you came here with are the basics for managing it as well as you can when the wolf is at the door and there is no Batman living in your town.  Following a spiritual path has its own unique challenges and learning the physics of how life is supposed to work in balance and in harmony with universal laws is PhD learning, but it is at the core of finding peace in this life, and if you can master it, you have the ingredients for not being so thrown at what people and life challenges are going to present you with.  The uninformed are a constant source of unnecessary trouble for us but if we do not learn to rise above the mentality we are a doomed species.

Have a fun and safe New Year’s Eve tonight and don’t drink and drive unless you have Obamacare and a good lawyer.  Tomorrow we will all be thinking on lyrics to songs by the Alan Parson’s Project such as “Where do we go from here?” (“Games People Play”) and “The Eye In The Sky”, and hope that our friends in high places are watching over us to keep us up, well, happy, and alive in 2015. I wish you all the best.  I will be laying in a large supply of new light bulbs.

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