Saturday, December 13, 2014

Human Rights – Equal Rights – The Mystic Path

The ways of the mystic do not fit nicely into a capitalist society.  They are doable but they do not fall into place easily.  If this path has chosen you to be its spokesperson you have an interesting journey ahead of you, but it is well worth the trip.

Everyone’s path in life is unique and is affected by many variables.  The strengths and abilities that you were born with are not necessarily going to jump up and guide you early on.  For the first 20 -30 years of your life you will be struggling with what others have imposed upon you as far as acceptable behavior and your ability to fit in.  If others have imposed chaos and rigid standards you might fall in line and make your life work so that others will leave you alone.  It can be a miserable mandate that you must obey until your last breath.  Some people manage to do this better than others.  Fear is a great controller, and for some, it is better to be accepted than to be unique. The majority of the world will take their place in society as it is pointed out to them by family, friends, school and media.  When this kind of life does not sit well with you there is a reason.  Whether or not you will seek to understand that reason is anybody’s guess, but I can promise you that you are not having “square peg in a round hole” issues for nothing.  Others usually cannot tell you what is wrong unless they are extremely learned or they are at a high level spiritually.  They won’t know and probably won’t care what is troubling you. If they teach you anything it will most likely be the best ways that they have learned to pretend that there is no problem. Being truly alone in your need seems cruel on the surface but it is actually best for you to have only yourself and the universe for counsel.  It is better to fall by your own stumbling than to be kicked by information from someone else’s playbook.  I know people who have lost touch with reality from being bound and gagged by the dictates of others. Sometimes you are protected from a worse fate by being in a situation like this but if your soul is truly crying out to be free there is no other way to find that freedom except to rid yourself of toxic people who mostly mean to keep you from upsetting their world.  So many people are eaten alive by fear and they seek relationships that will keep their fears at bay.  Too many people want an audience or a victim to control in lieu of addressing the things that are scaring them.  Run like hell from these types if you can.  Their agenda is not to help, love, or support what you are without exacting a heavy price from you in return.  Most people are very good at disguising their true agenda until they have gotten what they want from you.  Learn to recognize poison when it is being served to you.  It can be done.  The universe nearly always provides you with warnings of unease when you are in a bad situation.  It is only fear and ego that will keep you from hearing.

With all of the issues listed above going on around you it can be difficult to give a damn about the suffering of others.  Life is extremely hard for some and your own struggles can sometimes leave you with little sympathy for those who appear to be experiencing troubles seemingly of their own making.  I’m not going to tell you to become Mother Theresa by any means.  That kind of altruism was in her birthchart, I have no doubt.  But you absolutely need to develop and recognize empathic ability or you will fail miserably at being human, and that is what you are and what you are here to make the absolute best of.

I know people who genuinely love animals and work tirelessly for their welfare.  I love animals too, and it was largely for that reason that I became a vegetarian.  We absolutely should care about all life on the planet, but I tend to see many of these lovers of animals give little thought to their fellow humans as well.  They couldn’t care less that there are homeless and hungry people.  In their view, these people are stupid and lazy and deserve their situation.  Laugh at those who are not as well off as you and assume that they are of little consequence at your own peril.  Life is becoming more and more impossible for all of us due to the ripple effects of poverty, greed, and selfishness.  You will pay more for everything that you buy and need weapons and security systems in your home to deal with the imbalance. Neither you nor your children and loved ones will ever be safe in a world that cares nothing for its fellow humans. If you don’t care, do not assume that the person in want and need is going to care for your life when they cannot learn how.

An issue that I see becoming more and more problematic for the human race is sexism.  Why this is getting worse is difficult to pin down, but the need to know and understand each other is critical to living in a balanced way.  All patriarchal societies make war.  Without the balance of male and female you cannot possibly have peace.  I see on the internet every day the hate and abuse that has manifested from a world that refuses to acknowledge that the differences between the sexes are there for a specific reason, and it has made for a society where trust is no longer possible.  Separation and taking up sides is going to be the death of us as a thinking and reasoning society that is capable of ridding itself of the crime and misery that we are now experiencing.  Know that you cannot continue to point the finger at others and say that these issues are all the fault of someone else because it is your own thoughts and behaviors that you must examine to determine the root cause of these problems.  The mystic path requires you to govern you and set an example of what balanced behavior looks like.  Without you taking a hard look at whether or not you have been contributing to the devastating effects of thinking that one sex, or one race, or one political conviction should be the prime directive, you are more than likely supporting a world that is proving every day that it is truly not sustainable anymore. As Yoda, in the film The Phantom Menace said. ”Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”  Please take a look at your own views toward the sex opposite from you and realize that we truly are meant to support and complement each other.  There is no other way for life on earth to continue and evolve.

In the Marvel Comics series X Men there is an ongoing battle between mutants and humans which mutant telepath, Charles Xavier, has strived to balance all of his adult life.  He founded a school specifically to help young mutants understand and use their mutant abilities and to educate them that they have a responsibility to use their unique gifts for the greater good of all.  He has a constant uphill battle in doing this.  Not all mutants agree with his philosophy and most humans certainly don’t.  It is too bad that a school like this does not exist for mystics, psychics, and all people who seek balance in the world, and relate to it with a different point of view.  Since it doesn’t, we have to make the individual effort every day. The X Men is a work of fiction but the struggle between those who do not follow the path of fear and conformity is a truly great lesson for us all in how it may be possible to rid the world of prejudice.  The philosophy of Charles Xavier is worth taking from fiction and applying in reality. The Marvel reference book,  X Men Survival Guide To The Mansion is a good example for us all in what we could be if we would only try. There has to be a belief and a starting point for us as a society to take back our humanity and promote a better way to live.  It cannot be done by waiting for others to make it so. People are waiting for us to take that step because too many of them are incapable of doing so.

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