Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Busy Night for Krampus

The European legend of Krampus has mostly been lost in the marketing of Santa Claus for Christmas.  I’m sure that retailers couldn’t find any way to make money with it. For those of you who don’t know the story of Krampus, think of the film Time Bandits when Robin Hood is giving to the poor and a crazed looking fellow punches everyone in the face after they receive their gift.  Anyone who hasn’t been a good person all year receives a punch in the face from Krampus instead of a gift from Santa. All of the horrible things that we see and hear in the news now tells me that Krampus needs to come back badly this year.

I could write a 100 page blog tonight about everything that is wrong with the world and it’s people.  I’d love to be able to say something joyous and wonderful to make you feel good about life but the best that I can offer in that way is to not look at the news for two days.  If you can forget about all of the chaos and crime that the world is experiencing now and tune out the hate and the viciousness of so many people you just might get through the holiday season with a smile on your face.  Try it.  We would all like to have a warm and happy Christmas.  It is my fondest wish for us. 

As I was Christmas shopping this week I saw so many people with scowls on their faces and many more people who just looked weary.  Children were crying and screaming.  Parents were letting their kids run amuck in stores and everyone seemed intent on being obnoxious by either deliberately getting in the way of others or bulldozing through tiny store aisles with a satisfied smirk if they managed to irritate someone.  I heard one woman angrily say that it doesn’t feel like Christmas.  No, lady, it certainly doesn’t when it becomes a chore and a competition to just buy a few gifts for the people you care about.  Heaven help us, and please send Krampus around this year to hopefully, knock some sense into the human race again.  In Time Bandits, Robin Hood notices that the poor are being knocked out after they are given a gift and he asks a man standing next to him if it is really necessary for the wild looking fellow to punch everyone out.  He is told that it is.

Another rerun of The Walton’s Christmas is not likely to do the trick now.  We have strayed too far from the belief that we will ever truly be happy with the simple things and love of family and friends.  If you still have that in your life in an age of selfishness and apathy you have already received your miracle of the season.  If you haven’t, say a little prayer for an appearance by Krampus tonight to deal with the ones who cannot seem to learn that it will take all of us coming back to our senses to make this a happy holiday season and a hopeful and prosperous new year.  I wish both of those things for you and a visit from Santa because you have been true to yourself all year and are making a difference in how 2015 will be for us.  Thank you for caring about the world you live in.  I would like to see a return to the world caring back.

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