Sunday, May 8, 2016

Pulling Yourself Away From the Problem

I just heard today that Sharon Osborne is divorcing Ozzy, and I don’t mind telling you that I was totally floored to hear it.  Certainly, I cannot know all of the intricacies of their relationship and all of what went in to Sharon’s decision to make the break after 33 years, but I can tell you that there always has to come a point when what you are doing or how you are living is no longer in your best interest.  When that point does come it is inevitably going to be hell disentangling yourself from what no longer can serve you in a balanced way. It is a fact that the way we are living as humans on planet earth is no longer working well, but walking away from what is preventing a positive and meaningful existence is a tough order.  Do not expect the transition to be comfortable. 

I have always loved the song,  Imagine by John Lennon.  I heard that his intent in recording it was to convey the positives of Communism.  It is a beautiful song with some very convincing ideals as far as having “Nothing to kill or die for” with respect to not having divisions in land or property or possessions, but I understand why so many people aren’t capable of “imagining” a life like that.  To do so would be about like the followers of Jesus, as told to us in the bible, that they supposedly dropped what they were doing and abandoned the lives that they had been living to follow someone who, they believed, could change the world and society for the better. It might have been a more simple transition back in biblical times to do such a thing but I can tell you that the times that we are living in would most likely land us in jail or divorce court or worse if we suddenly decided to walk away from the capitalist slave society that has been built around us.  It truly is an impossible dream to think that we could wake up tomorrow and just walk out the door and leave the troubles behind and dedicate ourselves to a way of life that could change all of humanity for the better.  We have made an intricate and very complicated web of connections around ourselves that make it extremely difficult to drop it like it’s hot.  You would first have to decide where the web of connections has the least amount of hold on you.  For most of us it will require small, baby steps to begin with, and there are no guarantees that we will not fall on ours asses several thousand times before we are free. 

You are the only one who knows what is causing you the most pain and grief and keeping you tied to a society that has gone much too far in proclaiming that there is worth in staying tied to it.  You will never stop being told that is has worth and it will keep you happy because there is much money to be made for others by keeping you in line with their ideals.  The most prevalent idea is that you must become a consumer of goods and never stop consuming them because that is the only way that the people who have set up this complicated prison can keep their position.  You have to pay for it.  If you think this is not true then skip on to another issue that might be blocking you, but ask yourself if you really need to have so many changes of clothing or so many cars or so much jewelry, and do you really have room for all of it?

In my old neighborhood there were some very nice houses along my drive to my house that sometimes had the garage doors open on any given day.  You could see that the garages were crammed full of so much stuff that they couldn’t possibly use it for its purpose of housing a car.  I realized just how much of a consumer that I have been, especially in times of depression and fear.  The first thing that I always wanted to do was go out and spend some money on something that would make me feel good.  It is true that this temporary “fix” does help in the moment.  I have about 400 cds and almost that many dvds that I have a devil of a time finding places for but I cannot bear to get rid of them.  Supposedly, ipods and streaming internet music and films does away with this hoarding of media behavior, but I find that even though I use those things I still find it difficult to part with the possessions that, at one time, helped me get through a perceived crisis point in my life.  Whatever you might be hoarding in your house because it got you through a difficult moment in life, it is good to remember that as long as these things cannot be let go of, they own you.  Just as people, jobs, clothes, food, drugs, cars, books, needing attention and approval from others or sex owns you and keeps you doing the same unneeded things every day. 

As in Sharon Osborne's case, it is hard to pull yourself away from people that you have been following, or supporting, or believing in for a long time.  Some relationships become very toxic to us before we will even admit out loud that they are detrimental to us.  I have been through breakups and a divorce myself and they are very painful but usually very necessary to maintain being true to yourself.  Some relationships and bonds that we have with others are nowhere near as physically close to us but they are destroying what we are and who we are nonetheless by our attachment to them even if that attachment is only perceived on our part, such as a belief and devotion to the people who govern us.  It is said that you can judge the worth of a president or any political leader by the quality of your life while they are in power. It would be wise to ask yourself if your life is such, right now, that you could say you have been represented well by someone who pays more than lip service to what a society needs to thrive and live in peace.  Does everyone have a home and something to eat everyday in your town, or your state, or your country?  These are very basic needs that everyone and everything on the planet is entitled to.  You were put here to thrive and evolve in a world that has at it’s disposal all of the things that make that possible. Do you have it?  If you are sick do you have a way of getting to wellness without bankrupting yourself?  Can  you trust the doctor or healthcare provider that is available to you?  You might also ask yourself if you have stable employment which provides you with sufficient income to manage a decent place to live in a safe neighborhood?  I hope that you do, but realize that there are thousands of people who don’t and though there may be some slackers who don’t even try, by and large most people do not want to live in a substandard way just to avoid getting up off their asses.  A society that cares about the whole of the populace is necessary for the mountain of social problems that we have now.  You can blame anyone that you like for the inequality that we are experiencing in the world but the bottom line in any society that allows too much for some and not enough for others is representation by a governing body that does not believe in the worth and value of human life unless that life is somehow contributing to their own wealth and aspirations.  There is a saying in American politics that some states in America are only “fly over states”. which means that those living in those particular states have no political worth to them and will not benefit their own agenda.  “Ignore them. they are of no consequence to me.”  When you hear comments like this from any political power or representative please think a second and a third time before you continue to allow them to 4stay in power.  You may only have one vote every two to four years but you have a voice and access to the internet 24/7.  If others do not see the toxic behavior and narcissistic attitude of the people who should be representing all of the people you need to ask yourself if you are in a position to call attention to this.  If you are not, you can still cast your values in to the universe with your refusal to openly support people like this and your infinite connection to the source of all creation by merely objecting in meditation and not associating with people who consider it okay to allow humans to be denied the best possible kind of life.  It is not easy to turn your back on people that you have believed in or people that you are related to by whatever kind of connection but if we don’t object to their contribution to the collapse of humanity then we are being complicit in it continuing to grow, and thrive and destroy us.  You may not be among the first of the casualties of an uncaring and selfish way of living but I can promise you that you will not remain unscathed by it forever.  If your life at this moment is one that is good and positive and meets your basic needs I am very happy for you, but for those who do not have those things we will forever be a slave to their needs in the form of crime.  When there is no other way to have the basic things in life that we should all be entitled to you will have to live in fear of them taking from you, or your children, and your community.  The universe has provided enough for everyone, and it is only in a world that denies these basic needs to others in favor of itself that living things will inevitably become scavengers of those needs by stealing from those who have them.  All human beings aside, even wildlife has lost what was once rightfully theirs by virtue of merely showing up on the planet.  It is human intervention that has made other species go extinct or become endangered to the brink of extinction by taking too much of the resources that were given to us.  Possibly by not realizing it, we are the cause of the extinction of countless humans every single day by just ignoring that they are dying because of want and a lack of empathy.  No, one person cannot stop this, but thousands making the decision today to stop supporting a separatist and elitist world that keeps us doing it’s selfish bidding for it every day because we are so used to only thinking in terms of our own needs can.

I have promoted a way of life in this blog for the past two years that starts with the principle that we have to learn who we are through astrology, self analysis, connection to spirit, and what we are capable of and not capable of by standing alone and looking at what we came here with to make the best of our existence.  In the beginning, this is an act of self or selfishness.  But once these things are learned they are meant to send you out into life armed with an inner truth and an inner awareness of ourselves that can make the world over into something that evolves into hope and help for all once we realize that thinking only of yourself is not a part of it.  That lesson has been learned by so few of us on the course of human existence.  If we continue to refuse to face what we are, what we may be, and why we are here we face total destruction of life because our resources cannot be sustained without people who know how to keep them alive.  Sadly, the generation that will come into power soon will not have learned the necessary skills to make sure that the planet can maintain life on it.  You may not see its demise in your lifetime, but the tracks have already been laid to send us on a runaway train to total annihilation.  The Native American's used to say that nothing lives forever except the rocks.  We cannot even be sure that they will survive now. To pull away from those things that have brought on the downward spiral of life on this planet is our only recourse.  We risk everything by not realizing our own part in stopping the descent.

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