Thursday, July 4, 2019

It Has Everything To Do With What Will Work

Four years ago, I wrote a post here about Senator Bernie Sanders when I learned that he was going to run for President. (see my post for May 08, 2015) I used information based on his astrological chart to try to present a profile of how he most likely came to the decision to run for that office and why he was a very good choice for America. Bernie did not make it to the Democratic pick in 2016, but now that he is trying again for 2020, I would like to reiterate everything that I wrote previously and add to it as best I can, with some advice that comes from the heart and soul and the universe.  I hope that this will find its way to him if it is the will of the cosmos. 

There is a television show called The New Yankee Workshop starring Norm Abram, which can be seen on the PBS website and probably other venues, where Norm takes you through the steps of building beautiful pieces of furniture and other wood décor. Even if you know that you could never build as expertly as Norm can, you still love watching the show because you can appreciate the handiwork of someone who is creative and experienced, and seeing it all come together is a marvelous thing. If it is possible, I think that Bernie should consider producing a video which details step-by-step how he will build America in to a nation that will care for its people and promote the positive changes for us that we can only have if more of us understand the steps necessary to build that from the ground (Which we are sitting at.  I would really hate to believe that we can sink any lower.) up.

I live in a part of the country that is called a “Red State”, which means that the majority of our citizens vote Republican.  This is a real head-scratcher when you consider that a large portion of the people here live at or below what is considered to be “poverty level.” So many of the people here may have their smart phones and computers and even toddlers are tech savvy (How these people afford them is even more of a head-scratcher!) but when it comes to recognizing when they are being cheated and lied to by bureaucrats and the affluent, they have a gigantic mental block as big as the Great Wall Of China. Why this is so can possibly be explained by taking a look at a society in the television series Star Trek

There is a race of humanoid type beings in the Star Trek world called Ferengi, from the planet Ferenginar. They are racist, sexist, and practiced rampant capitalism for centuries. They did not recognize where this would eventually lead them until the entire society collapsed.  Their thinking was that monied interests and those who prospered in that were the highest level of beings.  It was never questioned as being wrong when they all aspired to be exactly like that. It is this same mentality that I think drives so many Americans to vote against their own best interests and follow the Pied Piper of wealth because they cannot believe that there is any reason for human existence other than to strive for the American Dream.  Those who have already achieved it are the gods that we worship. Life is hard. And it is damn hard when you live in the rural south. Those who have made it to wealth and recognition must be the only people capable of running the country.  Add in to this a belief in that “old time religion” which deplores anything that is not in the gospels, and a general fear of anything that you don’t understand (as in words like Socialism) and you have a society that will choose to hate change every time, because they are not learning not to. This is where we need to insert a YouTube or Netflix video called The New Yankee Socialist

I can only use the word Socialist here in this blog in my own home because it can get you into serious trouble if you say it publicly anywhere else.  The word has a long association with societies that will take away all of your freedoms and give a forum to all of those people who dare to believe in something different and difficult to understand.  So, I didn’t say it.  You didn’t read it here.  Only someone like Bernie Sanders can get away with it, sort of.

The thing that I find most troubling when Senator Sanders talks about the plan he has for making the United States a better place is that he hesitates when he is asked about how he will bring about the necessary changes that will give Americans a better standard of living and take us in to a new era of prosperity and more equality for all.  I can understand why he does this.  Just mention the words “new taxes” and people start freezing up and tuning out. Say the word “Socialism” and they think that you intend to send the military to their house and take away their belongings.  Mind closed, case closed. Reaching these people is a tough order because they can walk away and recover from the bad words by tuning in to the prophets of doom tv networks and internet social sites that are all too happy to keep supporting the myths that they are comfortable with.  It is difficult to show your blueprints for the future when you can only preach to the choir in short speeches made in a grueling schedule of touring quickly through many American cities. You will not reach enough of the Ferengi and the “Red State wonders” until you put your plans on paper and show the building process to them step by step.  
A video in a place like YouTube is more likely to capture the attention of these types because anyone that is capable of hearing will share it with others in a way that your speech in South Carolina will not reach.  This is nothing that you don’t already know, but there are many others who have taken your ideas and are promoting them as their own now.  I do not see any of them trying to reach out to those whom they believe are not going to listen in the first place. The only ones who are really listening are those who already believe in your philosophy.  Like on the New Yankee Workshop, show the finished product first, then show the blueprints for making it a reality.  You will have to explain that you join this piece with another piece and you glue this piece with taxes which you collect by exchanging money now being spent on something that you will not have to pay again once you put your program into place.  Senator Sanders, I have been a supporter of yours since the first time that I saw you speak about equality and inequality on MSNBC many years ago and even though I understand where you are coming from and how your vision for America would make an incredible difference, I do not see how these changes are truly possible in a country that doesn’t want to know about anything that might require them to get off their backsides and view the world differently.  
I am familiar with the philosophy of Marx, and Engels, and others who have tried to champion a more balanced world for everyone.  I want to see you succeed where so many others have failed but I have to tell you that unless and until you can give the ones who don’t really have a clue how it can benefit them from where they sit, the “Red State” voters will keep turning a blind eye. I believe that you need to reach those who cannot yet see but may be able to hear that you have a plan that truly is for all of us.  Right now, they are content to hear that no one other than they deserve to do well.  They cannot see that this mentality is what is causing them to pay higher prices for basic human necessities and keeps them in a constant state of fear about losing what they have. We need to see the video because too many will not read the book.  If their children and neighbors and co-workers see the film and share the experience online it may spark an interest in hearing for themselves. Even those of us who already believe would love to see how you will put everything together. I have seen staunch Republicans admit that they would gladly pay more taxes and give up something that they have so people that they care about can afford to buy food and medicines and see a doctor when they are sick.  In groups, you never hear this, but one on one it does happen.  Just like deciding to watch an episode of the New Yankee Workshop because you have nothing pressing to do, you are probably very sure that you could never make a china cabinet or a sideboard, you might tune in and watch an episode just to pass the time.  You might see or hear something from Norm that would make you believe that the project is possible. 
It is also likely that you, Senator Sanders, will show a step in the process that can make someone believe that your plan for the future can work. If I were a filmmaker, I would volunteer to do the work of getting this project out to the people.  Your ideas for building a better country are the best that I have seen.  I believe from preparing your birth chart that you have the ability to make a miracle in America, but you need to help us help you.  Once we see the blueprints and can visualize the finished product, it is possible that even the “Red State” people, fearful as they are, could believe in the project coming together. We just need to see someone else do it first, like Norm Abram shows us.  Independence Day is proof positive that change can happen when people decide that they have had enough of tyranny. I write on this blog and send it out there in hopes that it will inspire someone to discover their god given potential and make a difference through behavior true to what they were born to be.  You can show us what a society that aspires to be better and more inclusive looks like, and how you can lead us to that ultimate goal. 

And for the record, the Ferengi were able to put their society back together by implementing Socialist ideals.

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