The US midterm elections are behind us now except for a few that were too close to call. Did the candidate that you supported win? I hope so. Have you ever voted for someone who was elected and discovered after a time that they were not what you expected them to be? Unfortunately, many people lie and cheat when they want something badly. Nowadays they feel little guilt or remorse for this because it is acceptable character in some circles and even expected by some others. Another problem that we have is that many voters will pick a candidate to support based on one ideal that the person has put out there which has little to do with whether or not the candidate is a sound and reasonable person who is capable of doing the job that he/she is running for and more to do with their promise to do away with an influence that people find personally objectionable. This is a selfish and lame reason to do anything, but it is an acceptable one for a person of one dimensional thought. Once you allow yourself to get caught up in a fear and hate based mentality you are not capable of making choices other than selfish ones. So, the rest of us carry the burden of trying to elect someone who is sincere and focused in their beliefs and has some sort of proven record to support the claims that they make regarding how to repair a broken society. But even if we think we know a person to be reasonable and true to form in their decisions it is still possible that they are lying through their teeth. Since you cannot be sure of anyone until they prove that they are what they say, you take an uneducated guess most of the time. Unless you know Astrology.
In two years, we will have another general election for the
Presidency. God only knows who will be running for that office this time. Many
will throw their hats into the ring and the BS will be flying for many months
before we actually know who the final contenders will be. I actually expect to
be disappointed in who will make it to the finals. This is not cynicism on my
part. It is just facing the reality that my point of view is unique among
Americans and what I see as someone who truly means to bring change to a fallen
society has different aspects and criteria from the majority point of view.
Since I became old enough to vote I have seen few people enter the White House
that I had any faith in to make a real difference. The way that we conduct
elections and politics here is not conducive to bringing in anyone that I could
really believe in. The one exception to that is Bernie Sanders.
I truly believe that Bernie could have won in 2016 and in
2020. But he was sabotaged by his own party both times because reform is not
what they want. Maintaining the status quo is. Bernie made an excellent showing
in both primaries, and though I do not always agree with everything that he
says and does (I usually do, though) I have studied his natal chart and it is
evident from knowing what he was brought into this world with that he is true
to himself. I have watched and listened to him since I first became aware of
him politically and he has never wavered in what he presents to us as what is
needed here. I cannot say that about any other career politician that I have
ever seen.
I have heard people who actually like Bernie say things
like, “He is just not everyone’s cup of tea.” and “He doesn’t show enough of
himself personally. He only talks about the issues.” These people are showing
the shallowest points of view regarding Bernie. It is not surprising that they
can only skim the surface. If you don’t know his inborn nature you will likely
misjudge him, as you will with anyone. In 2016 and in 2020 I wrote about Bernie
on this blog. He is a Virgo. Do you know anything about Virgos? Probably not. So,
I will tell you this as something to ponder upon.
In the 1960’s there was a tv series called “Dragnet”
starring Jack Webb who played the character Sgt. Joe Friday. He was a no-nonsense
police officer who was famous for saying the line, “Just the facts, ma’am.”
That is pretty much how a Virgo operates. They are precise and have little time
for or interest in side issues and telling the world about their personal
lives. It has nothing to do with “the price of potatoes” or the fact that
America is in the outhouse, so in Virgo’s view it has no bearing on “the facts,
ma’am.” If being focused and direct is not something that you like or
understand then you will never “get” someone like Bernie. To truly know a Virgo,
you would have to make the effort to be their friend. They mostly do not have
any burning desire to tell their story. If you prefer the more “stand out”
types or the folksy “regular guy” types there is a reason for that and you are
entitled to your opinion, but the problems that we have now will not be solved
by anyone who craves attention and love, and needs a constant ego boost. Nor
can they be solved by the phony “I’m just like you” types. Anyone who cannot set aside ego and transcend
the need for admiration cannot be effective when we are in such dire
circumstances. I have heard people say many times that we need a president who
will run this country like a business. We had that kind of leader for four
years and we will be trying to untangle the mess that was made in those years
for many more years to come. High profits, competition, and the need for worship
from people are traits for the entertainment industry and private businesses.
We aren’t making a movie here or trying to sell yachts. The entire world is in
crisis and like in any family in crisis it will take an adult who can set aside
their personal ego to get down to the real business of keeping the family
together and disregarding what the neighbors think. I have seen a few
politicians who could do that but they are in a minority.
I have considered writing a book or a series of posts here
about the Presidents that we have had in the last 30 or so years by drawing up
their natal charts and comparing what traits they were born with and what they
actually accomplished when they were in office. It might be quite an eye opener
of a read. I do think that it would be a troubling read. So many of us have no
idea what we were meant to be like. Our world has evolved in ways that make
knowing our true selves difficult in the extreme. Most people are doomed to
fail in the endeavor because of capitalism. It takes an Aries-like
determination on our parts to even make the attempt but it could be made a
little less painful for us if we had parents and teachers who believe that this
is an essential goal. If you have that in your life, count your blessings.
Before the next election, take some time to find out when
the candidates were born. Look on the internet for an Astrology website that
can calculate a chart on their birthdates. This is a very elementary way of
doing it and I would not normally recommend it, but you will do far worse in
trying to understand what a person is about if you rely on what they say or
rely on news that cannot be trusted because it isn’t news, it is profit driven
entertainment. You may be greatly surprised by what you learn. While you are
there, take a look at your own birth information. The revelation of what you
brought with you into this world can be felt on a soul level when you see it.
It can also be vehemently denied if you have never been allowed to express it.
But a staunch denial is extremely telling in itself. Take what you learn and
use it to the best of your ability. It may change your life.