Thursday, December 22, 2022

Because No One Answered (Part Three)

People born within the element of Air are Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. They tend to be aloof and detached in their relationships with others but can be quite friendly and personable if they choose to be. For most of my life I have found myself in the company of fewer Air Signs than any other element division in the zodiac. Geminis have been the least familiar ones to me with Aquarius following that and Libra being more prevalent. I confess that I tend to feel somewhat uncomfortable with them strictly speaking, but that is possibly because they are a little more difficult to read. If I feel kinship with some signs more than others it is likely because I have had more experience in knowing them personally. So many things go in to who we can and cannot relate to well but in my own birthchart, varied as it is, there was only one planet in the constellation of Libra and none in Aquarius or Gemini when I arrived.

You may already be familiar with one of the most high-profile activists ever, singer/songwriter John Lennon of the Beatles who personified it. John was a Libra. Someone that you may not know much about but have most likely heard of was Groucho Marx. He was also a Libra. I won’t say that he was an activist so much as I would say that he knew in spades how to cut pretentiousness down to size with a biting wit. Groucho once said in an interview that everyone he knew became a Republican once they got money, and he was the only Democrat left in his circle of acquaintances. He was so good at calling out a phony that much of the time his victims did not realize that they were being called out until after they had some time to think about it. It is possible that they never figured out that they had been royally put in their place but it would have been apparent that something had been done to throw them off balance and the joke was truly on them whether they knew it or not. Libra cannot tolerate being thrown off balance themselves. The scales (the ancient kind for weighing things) represents Libra well because they must keep their balance and equilibrium or you will definitely hear about it. This makes them very good at speaking to the world about how unbalanced it is. That is, if they choose to vocalize it publicly. Some do not. They just brood and stay in a snit until they get back in balance.  But you will know that something has hit the fan with them even if they never utter a word about it. Best to leave the room and let them get past it before you come back because they can be impossible to be around until they do.

If you are a Libra know that an imbalance in government or in society needs to be called out as well as any personal one and acted upon or it is unlikely to right itself. You do have to pick your individual battles and use your own personal gifts to make your statements but Libra is usually quite creative in that.  Art, music, and writing are not out of reach for them in some form or another. John Lennon used all of those venues to make his points and they definitely got noticed. Even President Nixon felt the bite from John’s unvarnished truth telling and nearly got himself deported from the US for telling some truths that made our government very uncomfortable. Most of us are unlikely to garner such high-power attention but if you want to make a point, you have some inborn expertise in getting it across. If you are not a Libra but are friends with one, spend some time sounding them out on a particular subject that is a recognizable problem and see how well they can dissect it in a conversation with you. If you have been having trouble finding the right words to call out a troubling issue in the world grab a pen and paper once Libra gets started. They might not ever open their mouth in public about it, but you as their friend are likely to hear some of the best criticisms and pretty good solutions for the problem to put in your next speech about the injustice. Take them with you to the debate. Even if they don’t participate you can bet that they are taking mental notes on your opposition and after the meeting you will be treated to a new batch of comebacks for the next verbal swingfest.

An Aquarius person can be hard to pin down as far as their views on a civic issue. Many of them believe that everyone is very stupid and they see no reason to call that stupidity out unless a problem or injustice is right in front of their face in the moment. They might have to be very angry or offended to say anything about it but the best time to hear their views on anything will be as an issue is taking place. Their opinion will be direct, cutting, and very much to the point. Let them design the protest banners for showing a pointed criticism. If they won’t get directly involved in a protest, they are still likely to show up for your meetings because it might be fun. They do like socializing and while they are there, they might find the fight interesting enough to lend a hand. You will probably be very glad that they are there because their presence is a diversion that can be an indicator of when it is time to take a break and just hang out without being so serious all the time.

I have known very few Geminis in my life but one thing that has always stood out to me when I have been around one is that they appear to not give a crap about much of anything or anybody. Of course, that isn’t true and you will realize it once they start talking to you. Much of the time if they speak to you, it will be after you have been in their presence for awhile. When they do pay attention to you, you will probably have the urge to look around you for the real person that they are talking to because you may feel like it could not be you. It is a “who came in?” moment. If you ever find that you are a person of interest to Gemini in a romantic way expect to see some incredibly written texts or emails or actual letters/notes of epic proportions. They might even remind you of a Shakespearian sonnet. Gemini can write! I am suprised that they all aren’t romance novelists or songwriters with emphasis on love songs. Paul McCartney is one of the more out there and prolific ones. Ask Gemini to write for your protest group’s newsletter or come up with a protest song. They will spare no words and will leave out no important details.

Many air signs prefer to just be “Blowin’ in the Wind”, which is the title of one of the most famous protest songs of all time and was written by Gemini Bob Dylan. They may not formally attach themselves to any issue of what is wrong with the world but do not discount them in your efforts because they can be a tremendous help and support in out of the ordinary ways that can soften the public perception of what you stand for and make it more appealing to the masses and keep you from just preaching your message to the choir.

The next installment in this series will post next Friday. Until then, have a safe and happy holiday.


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  1. It was neat to read about some of our culture’s most important figures and what spiritual mechanics made them tick. Looking forward to the next installment.


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