In 1981, ABC Television had a show called That’s Incredible which ran an episode about May Lemke and her foster son Leslie. It was a very touching episode about how May took in an infant boy who was blind, brain damaged, and not expected to live. (see the YouTube link below) After many years of caring for Leslie, who could do virtually nothing for himself, May bought a second hand piano for him to try to engage him in some activity in case that was possible. Sometime later, (miraculously) Leslie woke May and her husband up in the middle of the night playing a piano concerto. He could barely even walk but he dragged himself out of bed and crawled into the living room and up on the piano bench. Unbelievable as that may sound, the impossible can truly be possible where the spirit is concerned given the right circumstances and the right combination of support from other humans and the encouragement to experience something new. Miracles are also possible in this existence for animals, plants, and virtually all living things if people get out of the way and stop forcing egotistical outcomes. Few people are allowed this in their lives. The majority of us are trained from birth to do as we are told and if we don’t fit into the assigned mold that others want us to be in - to make putting up with us easier for them - we can be classified as useless and discarded. Thank God that May Lemke didn’t see it that way.
The spirit within us is a magical thing. It is like
electrical current going through an inanimate object. When a radio or a
television is connected to electricity it brings to life sounds and images that
would have blown the minds of people who existed prior to the 20th century.
Benjamin Franklin showed us how to harness unbelievable power that we have
never stopped using. There are more miracles to be found in the lifeforce, but
they mostly remain untapped by humans. Discovering those miracles takes the right
set of circumstances and an open mind. Unfortunately, most people are
preoccupied by selfish pursuits, so you rarely see miracles today.
After you watch the video try to step aside from yourself and your worries and concerns for your everyday life. You can make miracles in your life if you allow yourself to hear the higher mind that is within you. Sometimes the voice is almost imperceptible but if you are willing to listen, you can create some wonderous things in this life just by having the courage to take a chance. Few things make life more worthwhile than having made a difference and realizing that you and others may have that same chance with your willingness to allow it.
May Lemke passed away in 1993 but Leslie is still alive at
72 years of age as of this writing. A relative of May’s took over his care.
While we ignore the sick and the needy every day in this country it is
disheartening to know that each one of those lives that we have viewed as
disposable could have contributed to the betterment of life and made a unique
difference in the world. Each of us has value. Taking the time to allow and
discover what each of us has to give is one of the finest things that we can do
in life. Everyone is here for a reason. Finding your own reason and passing
that along to others will see to it that more have a chance to recognize the
best in themselves. Be glad that you are here. You are capable of making a
difference that no one else can because there is no other you in the world.
Beautiful. I think you and Mr. Roger’s would have a lot to talk about.