Inspired by Nick Broomfield’s
film “Aileen: The Life And Death Of A
Serial Killer”, I couldn’t help but wonder what I might find if I
calculated a birth chart for “America’s first female serial killer”. Nick does a wonderful job of showing the
human being behind the notoriety. So
much so, that you find yourself wishing that you had known Aileen back when she
still might have been saved by kindness and a helping hand. If you have empathy in you, you can’t help
feeling that a few good friends and true support might have made a difference.
Would there have been any hope for the lives lost at her hand or the fragments
of a life that she was left to work with when her dignity and expectation of a
future were beaten and tortured out of her starting in infancy? I truly did not know what I would find when I
began my research..
Aileen Wuornos was born on
February 29, 1956.(Sun sign: Pisces, ruling planet: Neptune, element: water,
quality: mutable. Moon sign: Libra, ruling planet: Venus, element: air,
quality: cardinal) This date being the only extra day in a leap year, Aileen
only had a true birthday every four years. I really don’t know what effect this
has on a person’s chart and life as a whole. It is something that I will
research and possibly write about in a future post.
The first thing that one
notices about this birth date is the qualities of the influencing Sun and Moon. Pisces is a sign that immediately calls to
mind a character of caring and emotion.
Then Libra would tell you that this person possesses much love and the
need for balance. On the face of it-
that is. Anyone who knows a Libra can
tell you that they can be a huge pain in expressing their love and their
balance. Without going any further into
the chart, I would have, off the top of my head, said that the bulk of Aileen’s
difficulties were a direct result of the present life actions of those who were
charged with her care when she entered this world. Certainly abandonment by both parents and
extreme abuse by those who received her into their care are at the forefront of
what Aileen grew up to be. There are
some particularly difficult aspects in her chart that make her more rebellious
than many abused children, though, and her having the moon in Libra I find particularly
disturbing. The reason for this is a
first- hand knowledge of how Libra can go to monumental extremes in trying to
regain their equilibrium when their scales have been tipped. Upset the balance in a Libra and get ready
for the fireworks! There is likely to be
screaming, swearing, tantrums on the floor (if they are young), bullying,
threats of suicide and any other behavior that they can think of to put their
world back into balance. And it need not
make sense to anyone else why they are so upset. They are Libra, and they just are. Of course, not all Libras are so demonstrative
in their angst but when coupled with an emotion driven sun sign like Pisces,
the pain and confusion of being thrown off balance and being treated with a
total disregard for their gentle and loving nature can produce a ticking time
bomb ready to explode when these feelings are aroused again at an age when the
intimidation of being a child no longer exists.
When you consider that Aileen
was trading sexual favors for money as young as age nine, one wonders how this
kind of behavior manifested so early on.
I can assure you that I was not thinking about anything even remotely
related to oral sex that young. My world
was watching cartoons. playing with toys, seeing friends after school, and
listening to music. I realize that this
type of information would not be so far from the reach of a nine year old today,
but I can tell you for a fact that a child in the years prior to the
information age was safely cocooned in a world of GI Joe and My Little Pony. This kind of knowledge prior to that had to
be learned at the hand of an abuser.
Finding herself pregnant at
age 13 put an end to Aileen having a home.
Once her child was born and given up for adoption Aileen was kicked out
of her grandfather’s house. It is interesting that the state of Michigan did
not intervene on her behalf. Child welfare laws did exist in the 1960’s. But somehow Aileen’s situation went
unnoticed by the state and the school system. She began living in an abandoned car in the
woods in the dead of a Michigan winter.
I have lived in Michigan in winter time and how she survived this I
cannot imagine. She apparently began her
career as a full time prostitute after this, leaving Michigan sometime after to
manage that career in a warmer climate.
Though no one can be sure
what effect an understanding of Aileen’s personal needs based on what the
universe supplied her with at birth would have had, I will make an attempt at
conjecture and base it on the most basic needs of Pisces. People born in Pisces tend to have a dreamy
character with an interest in fantasy and fairy tales, love and romance. They are wonderful when they feel loved and
needed. They can nurture and care for
others when the object of their affection might appear to others to be of the
lowest dregs of society. Pisces can find
good in them, usually, and will care for their friend, lover, child, whatever, for as
long as they feel they are needed. I will venture a guess here and say that if
Aileen had found a supportive friend or husband when she was young, who had a
character able to balance her need to be protected from her abusers and to feel
cared for, she might have managed to lift her soul to a level where her best
characteristics could come out of hiding.
She most likely would have been a devoted wife and a nurturing mother if
she had children. I say most likely
because it would probably take a lot of love and a spouse/partner with a deep
understanding of what she went through as a child. These kind of people do exist but the luck of
Sagittarius would probably have to be on Aileen’s side to have found a gem like
this. Artistic ability is also found in
Aileen’s chart. It is possible that she
could have become a free-lance artist. A
sample of her art is shown in Nick Broomfield’s film and it is quite beautiful. Pisces is a sign, in Aileen’s case for sure,
that needs freedom of expression in learning and in setting their own
style. It is doubtful that she would
have aspired to a professional or technical career. The desire to learn in a formal setting such
as college does not reside in her chart. Her balance would have been found in the care
of loved ones, home and family. Aileen once speculated that if she had not
gotten into trouble she might have become a missionary. This possible vocation actually exists in her
chart. Caring for others is there,
At the onset of her violence, Aileen was
involved in a relationship with a woman whom she seemed to love very much. It appears that she felt responsible for the
care of her lover and when they were at a point when they were unable to pay
the rent and take care of their basic needs the downward spiral for Aileen began. There is evidence that her first victim was a
convicted sex offender. God only knows
what might have transpired during that business transaction, but the need to
survive and care for the person that she loved at this particular time, coupled
with who knows what she encountered in the company of a known offender set off
Aileen’s descent into what eventually ended her life and the lives of 7
men. I will not defend anything that
Aileen did from this moment on. The decision
to take a life is a conscious one made by the individual and not in the birth
chart by any means. I would only
acknowledge that the law recognizes the right of people to defend themselves in
a life or death situation. Aileen did
plead self defense in court, but I am not here to speculate on the validity of
that. One thing that I would venture
speculation on is the fact that under pressure from her lover’s distress over
being harassed by police, Aileen decided to plead guilty to the charges against
her. This is so very Pisces. The need to protect her lover outweighed the
extreme situation that Aileen, herself, was in. That decision sealed her fate. The belief that she did not have truly
effective legal counsel also paved her road to the death penalty. Whether or not this is the correct remedy for
her actions I will leave to you, the reader, but it is a fact that a person who
reacts to life’s issues with the ultimate violence cannot be allowed to live
If I were in the position of
calculating a chart for Aileen before she crossed the line and set off on a
path of no return, I don’t know that there would be any truly helpful advice
for her. The reading would have to have taken place when she was so young that
her ability to understand and make use of the information likely would not have
existed. Life is difficult to change
without deep conviction that you want to, and a constant source of support, for
many people. This is especially so when your environment in the critical
childhood years lacks a foundation to
build upon. Since Aileen didn’t have that in any sense of the word, if I were
to read her chart for her as an adult, anything that I told her would most
likely have been met with a reaction something like, “Huh, that’s interesting.” and
discarded the minute that she walked out the door, unless she had a friend that
she could laughingly relate it to later.
Truly, many people do not get
an ounce of actual support in their
lives, and somehow they still manage to live with as much dignity and self
respect as they can muster. As for
Aileen, I don’t believe that she would ever have thought to seek out support
from anyone. If that doesn’t exist in
your frame of reference somewhere already, you most likely will not see it as
an option and wouldn’t believe that you could get it if you tried. Revisiting her past would have been a
nightmare and likely not in her ability to cope with. Thank god that a life like Aileen’s is the
exception and not the norm. Her title as
“The first female serial killer in America.” speaks volumes about what must
have gone in to creating such an anomaly.
If one believes in an
afterlife, one can only hope that the afterlife has been kinder to Aileen Wuornos than her life on planet earth
was. All life starts out with hope for
the best that one can be. If it is not
respected and cared for, we can never be sure that this type of tragedy
will not be repeated.
NOTE: I cannot say that my
source materials are utterly infallible (as no one whom studies astrology can)
but I can say that I base my final
assessments on the premise that those I profile show the characteristics
necessary for me to stand by what I have said based upon my checked and triple
checked research. While it is impossible for me to know the time of birth of
the people I am profiling, I stand by the accuracy of the information to which I
am privy.