Monday, July 14, 2014

And I am here for what reason?

Any study of who you are, what you are, and where you are going in this life is going to lead you to your past.  Past lives, (yes, you’ve had them) past loves, past experiences, and most importantly, back to the day you were born. Without a study of the past you will never understand the real meaning of your life.  In this blog I will try to guide you to your true self in your life journey.

Life rarely works out the way we want or expect it to.  Much of the reason this is so stems from not knowing what gifts life sent you here with on the day you were born.  You do not need to be born in to an affluent circumstance to have great advantages, but you must realize that your advantages are just that, yours. They may not lead you to riches or comfort but they will lead you to the best you that you can be. 

People who connect with their life given gifts early on in life are fortunate indeed. That doesn’t happen for most of us.  So for those of us who haven’t already connected with our reason for being naturally, I will start with some basic astrology to help you connect.

As an example of what you can learn through the study of your birth chart. I will use the chart of singer, writer, songwriter Morrissey. (Sun sign: Gemini, Element: air, Ruling Planet: Mercury, Quality: mutable. Moon sign: Sagittarius, Element: fire, Ruling Planet: Jupiter, Quality: mutable.)  Morrissey has a new album coming out tomorrow, so he felt like a good person to start with.  I understand that he has been ill recently, and before I go into an analysis of his chart, I would just like to wish him wellness and a full recovery.

The fact that Morrissey became ill during a concert tour speaks volumes about where he is in life.  At 55, you might attribute his ill health to aging and a hectic lifestyle, but these things would only be a small part of the true issue.  Illness is always your life calling on you to make a change.  Small illnesses, most likely small changes.  Large illnesses, most likely kick-in-the-head changes.  I don’t know what kind of illness Morrissey was suffering from but judging by the length of his hospital stay it most likely was pretty serious.  I had the opportunity to see Morrissey in concert back in May in Memphis.  It was only a few days later that he collapsed.  As a result of him being on my mind, I did an astrology chart on him.  The results of that, I will try to break down and we may see a clearer picture of why life may be calling on him to make a change.

With the sun in Gemini and the moon in Sagittarius, it is no surprise that Morrissey was able to aim high with his Sagittarius arrow and make a fantastic career with his voice.  Mercury ruled Gemini gives him analytical thought and an intelligence that gave him the ability to map out how to reach his goal.  Any problems that he encountered along the way were most likely due to misjudging others.

Having attained his goal, the Gemini reached the top level in his field, but conflicts within his group; The Smiths, necessitated that he strike out on his own after a while to keep his Gemini air flowing. That same Gemini air is most likely what causes Morrissey to choose many, maybe not hopeless, but certainly difficult causes to persuade to the masses.  This keeps him flowing without stagnating when the goal is a lofty one.  Vegetarianism, animal protection and world peace being interests that go up against tough cultural conditioning keep him working at a steady pace.  Having nowhere to go but sideways in his quest for expression, though there is going to be a need for a change in that expression most likely, as a unique point of view can easily become stalled when preached to the already converted.

Two of Morrissey’s songs seem appropriate to analyze here for a look at where his life may be calling out to him for a different kind of expression.  The first is a song called “Ganglord” , which he recorded a few years ago.  The thing that struck me as I watched the companion video to this song was that Morrissey, himself, seemed completely out of place.  I do not doubt his sincerity regarding the point he was trying to illustrate, but the song and the visuals did not connect well, and he seemed an inappropriate spokesperson for the issue.  Certainly he can say whatever he thinks in his songs because he already has an established voice in the media, but what does his image and singing voice really bring to the table in addressing the problem?  I think that Gemini, but mostly the Sagittarius portion of his being are not going to find true satisfaction in not having a thunderous effect on something that truly means something to him.  And thunder at this stage in life would be more likely to come from shouting from a different rooftop and getting the attention of different buyers.  And I say buyers quite literally because the causes of fear, poverty, and hopelessness do not evolve out of the culture through awareness only.  Someone putting their money where their mouth is tends to speak louder in these times.  It is possible that Morrissey may find that his writing gift stands a much greater chance of succeeding in a venue where other successful people are more likely to be listening. 

The second example of how Morrissey might be getting a call to change is in the song, “World Peace Is None Of Your Business”  I have not heard the rest of the songs on this new album but what I took away from this title song is that he focused heavily on musical and percussion impact before reaching the crux of the message, as if he wanted you to be moved more deeply by something that perhaps he wasn’t able to convey in words with this particular issue.  A repeat of the word “fool “ in the song projects an image of him being quite certain that his message was going to fall on a lot of deaf ears, but he didn’t have quite the right words to tell us what might really make a difference.  Having to blend music and poetry to make a world wide point is seemingly pressuring on Morrissey profoundly when he comes across as not sure of himself any more.

But I would not expect there to be a wavering in the convictions in a Gemini heart.  I would therefore presume that the difficulty lies in his Sagittarius moon which needs the fire burning in a different grate.  Fire and air Morrissey is being let know that they can either burn out or blow out at this stage depending on how much oxygen they are receiving together from him. 

If Morrissey has indeed been feeling his innate intuition ( and he has it), he may already realize that a formal commitment to the urging of the universe is pulling on his coat tail.  If he is still procrastinating after having been taken down an illness notch he can be sure that life will not allow him this luxury very long.  This is how it works, friends.  It is rather like the song, “Run On”.  You might run on for a long time but do not expect that you will be cut any slack if what you need to accomplish is coming from the essence of who you really are.  You can play with decisions of what you will have for breakfast but your reasons for showing up on this earth will not be ignored for very long.  This is where you find most of the strife that kicks you hard.  Pay attention.  Life is speaking to you.  And if you don’t know why, you don’t really know who you are.  Find you and find the place of peace.  Inner peace IS your business, but it must be sought out.

I was warned by a fellow Astrologer not to pick on an air sign for this piece because they can’t take it.  But there is a double shot of Scorpio (element: water, ruling planet: Mars, quality: fixed) and a double shot of Cancer (element: water, ruling planet: Moon, quality: cardinal) in Morrissey’s chart that suggests to me that those signs in key places give him more heart, soul, sympathy and empathy than the otherwise blowing in the wind Gemini might seem to have.  Okay, he might also sting like a Scorpion, but for the purpose of showing what makes a life work in a way that can be mapped and molded, you must know what you already have inside of you to succeed.  I think that Morrissey is representative of a person who can keep an evolution of success forever moving if he is paying attention and knows where his possibly, newly felt strengths lie.

In future posts I will be showing you where to get the best information out there on Astrology and doing you own chart.  Take time to find you by going back to your source and to the past.  You have a standing invitation. 

NOTE: I cannot say that my source materials are utterly infallible (as no one whom studies astrology can) but I can say that I base my final assessments on the premise that those I profile show the characteristics necessary for me to stand by what I have said based upon my checked and triple checked research. While it is impossible for me to know the time of birth of the people I am profiling, I stand by the accuracy of the information to which I am privy.


  1. Very detailed and informative! Great interpretation of zodiac characteristics and how they can either work against each other and/or together.

  2. Good job! I like this a lot and am looking forward to future posts.


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